"Morningside" is a test environment for Artificial Intelligence. It was
created by Kris Schnee, and first released in EXE form on 2009.09.18.
It's written in Python, and is free and open-source.
It creates a little world where AI-controlled characters can
move around in a very simple, tile-based, turn-based fashion with
automatic logging. The interface is also simple, involving reading and
writing text files with commands like "take e".
You can use this program to test out AIs and give them an environment to interact with.
You should probably download the latest version of "Morningside" and run that with the included instructions.
"Morningside" is the test program (EXE with source). "Morningside AI Alpha" is a demonstration AI (EXE with source). "AI Shell" is a newer demo AI (source). The Challenges list is a set of things you can do with Morningside.