(set: $species to "Human")
(set: $class to "")
(set: $sex to "")
(set: $affinity to 0)
(set: $might to 0)
(set: $magic to 0)
(set: $lore to 0)
(set: $health to 3)
(set: $treasure to (a:))
(set: $score to 0)
(set: $light to "lantern")
(set: $mightplus to "(set: $might to $might + 1)'' (Might+) ''")
(set: $magicplus to "(set: $magic to $magic + 1)'' (Magic+) ''")
(set: $loreplus to "(set: $lore to $lore + 1)'' (Lore+) ''")
(set: $wound to "(set: $health to $health - 1)'' (You are wounded!) ''")
(set: $endings to 15)
**Dragon Fate**
In the hills of Gerrick's Boon, strange stories reach your ears. Alchemy, a rare art elsewhere, here seems more commonly taught than reading. Judging from the wordless shop signs lining the four dirt streets, anyway, and from the amazing variety of liquor at the tavern of the Noisy Owl. It's there, after some other tall tales, that you hear about the dragon.
[[Tall Tales]]
<!--Cheaty Debug Passage //(Warp ahead with might 4, magic 5, lore 3)// -->
You're at a corner table, well into your second much-needed drink of something fizzy and possibly magical, when you hear the word "dragon".
"My brother saw it with his own eyes!" says a miner, still sooty from work in the crystal mine. "Half a league long and carrying away a sheep in each foot."
A farmer says, "It's not eating the sheep. We'd find them slaughtered in that case, or their bones."
"I said it carried them off. We'd find nothing."
"Kobolds," says a drunken miller with a flour-stained apron. "What's killing the sheep is a tribe of yippy little lizardmen in the hill caves. I found a scale one day."
"You did not," the miner says. "Where is it?"
"I sold it to a traveler. Like that one." The miller points to you, and all heads turn. "What are you supposed to be, anyhow? A random wanderer?"
[[Male warrior]]
[[Female warrior]]
[[Male mage]]
[[Female mage]]
[[Male bard]]
[[Female bard]]
(set: $might to $might + 3)(set: $weapon to "sword")
(set: $sex to "male")(set: $class to "warrior")(display: "Who I Am")
(set: $might to $might + 3)(set: $weapon to "sword")
(set: $sex to "female")(set: $class to "warrior")(display: "Who I Am")
(set: $magic to $magic + 3)(set: $weapon to "spear")
(set: $sex to "male")(set: $class to "mage")(display: "Who I Am")
(set: $magic to $magic + 3)(set: $weapon to "spear")
(set: $sex to "female")(set: $class to "mage")(display: "Who I Am")
(set: $lore to $lore + 3)(set: $weapon to "bow")
(set: $sex to "male")(set: $class to "bard")(display: "Who I Am")
(set: $lore to $lore + 3)(set: $weapon to "bow")
(set: $sex to "female")(set: $class to "bard")(display: "Who I Am")
The farmer says, "What do you think about this dragon nonsense?"
[[Might: "There could be something to it, and you'd better find out soon."|IsThereDragon1]]
[[Lore: "I doubt there's a dragon, but I'd believe kobolds."|IsThereDragon2]]
[[Magic: "Any sign of footprints, weapons, fire breath?"|IsThereDragon3]]
The miner looks triumphant. "You see! Somebody here believes me."
The farmer rolls his eyes. "Well, my sister's cousin's horse says you're wrong."
[["What if it is a dragon?"]]
The miller buys you a drink of some kind of sweet rye-bread stuff. "See? Nobody in this town knows anything. We have to rely on travelers' tales to know about monsters."
The farmer scoffs. "You'd rather have *more* experience with slavering beasts?"
[["What if it is a dragon?"]]
The farmer applauds. "Thank you, sir, for being the only one here who actually thinks about the problem. As far as I know we've had no lizard footprints, regular or giant-size, when the sheep go missing. And certainly nothing getting burned down by league-long, fire-breathing monsters."
The miner gives him a mocking bow, then steadies himself on his stool. "Your inquisitor-ships know everything, don't you?"
[["What if it is a dragon?"]]
The villagers look uneasy, regardless of their own opinions. After a long pause the baker says, "If there's any truth to this, which I'm not saying there is, we should hire somebody to investigate. Before anything worse than missing livestock happens."
The miner raises his mug. "Yeah, like a giant lizard showing up one day to burninate us all!"
"That's not a real word," says the farmer.
"I'll go and see," you say. "A dragon might be powerful, but..."
[["I'll defeat it, and get rich and famous."|ForMight]]
[["It's also full of magic. Think of what we could do with its scales and teeth, or how it might help if it can be reasoned with!"|ForMagic]]
[[It's also a long-lived, intelligent creature. There are stories and secrets to learn from it, or its treasure, or the lair itself!|ForLore]]
[["Sorry. I'm not up for risking my life walking into a possible dragon lair."|END #1: Refusal of the Call]]
(display: "Setting Out")
(display: "Setting Out")
(display: "Setting Out")
You're not interested in this dragon business. You finish your drink and head out of town for other adventures. You never do learn of the town's... ***Dragon Fate***.
***Ending #1/$endings: Refusal Of the Call***
(if: $class is 0)[***DEBUG: Skipping intro and setting default stats.***
(set: $species to "Human")
(set: $class to "warrior")
(set: $sex to "male")
(set: $affinity to 0)
(set: $might to 4)
(set: $magic to 4)
(set: $lore to 4)
(set: $health to 3)
(set: $weapon to "sword")
(set: $light to "lantern")
(set: $treasure to (a:))
(set: $score to 0)
(set: $mightplus to "(set: $might to $might + 1)'' (Might+) ''")
(set: $magicplus to "(set: $magic to $magic + 1)'' (Magic+) ''")
(set: $loreplus to "(set: $lore to $lore + 1)'' (Lore+) ''")
(set: $wound to "(set: $health to $health - 1)'' (You are wounded!) ''")
Before leaving town, you take stock of yourself:
(display: "Show Stats")
The next day, you set out from Garrick's Boon and into the higher hills. You pass the crystal mine where a variety of rare alchemical ingredients breed in the earth; a set of tranquil farms and sheep pasture land; and a tall mill tower whose blades turn under the chilly, cloudy sky. You check your $weapon and the backpack of supplies the villagers gave or sold you: food (bread, dried mutton and cheese), a canteen, flint and tinder, a lantern, a compass, and comfortable boots for hiking. Or running, as need be.
(if: $class is "warrior")[Plenty of room for gold on the way back!]
(if: $class is "mage")[Plenty of room for magical trinkets on the way back!]
(if: $class is "bard")[You'll have room to carry any loot, but the real treasure will be the stories you get from this trip.]
[[Onward in search of the caves!|Hilltop]]
(if: $flag_got_to_caves is 0)[
(set: $flag_got_to_caves to 1)\
The townsfolk weren't very specific about the spot you should be looking for. It seems that only the shepherds go this far up beyond the town. You turn back to see the cluster of a few dozen thatch houses and shops, and wonder whether risking a dragon's attention is really a good idea. But you've got a job to do.
By late morning you find several small caves riddling the white stone of the higher slopes. You see no tracks of man or beast, but it rained yesterday and the ground is still a bit soggy under your boots. A pole or spike of some kind stands in shadow by one of these entrances. You can't tell from this distance.
You're considering whether to enter these caves when you find a much bigger one. It's an overhang of moss and stone with stalactites like teeth, several of which have snapped to litter the ground outside. Bones lie there, too. The opening stands ten paces wide, gloomy under the grey sky.
You stand on the high slope overlooking the village. Nearby are the entrances to a set of small caves, and the large cavern with stalactites looming above its overhanging stone.
[[Approach the small cave|Kobold Caves, Outside]]
[[Approach the large cave]]
(if: $species is "Human")[ [[Abandon your quest here|END #2: Turning Away]] ]
(else-if: $species is "Dragonkin")[(display: "End as Dragonkin?")]
Several of the caves are too small to be significant, but one in particular catches your eye. You approach carefully to look at the pole or spike shadowed by its entrance. It's a stick embedded in the stone floor and topped with a human skull! Several necklaces made of twine and inch-long scales in brown, grey and green dangle from a crossbar on this grisly totem.
(if: ($lore > 0) or ($magic > 0))[You've heard of magic totems like this one. They can be used to ward places against intruders, or to gather mana for spells, or for other things.
(if: $magic > 1)[This particular one looks designed for defense. The scale necklaces are not just an interesting treasure but a sort of key to get past the totem. If you apply your magical knowledge to the problem you might be able to grab a necklace without hurting yourself, and then you'd be able to enter the cave safely. Well, assuming the residents are friendly.
(if: "Scale Necklace" is in $treasure)[]\
[[Take a necklace carefully, using protective magic|Take necklace carefully]]
(else:)[You don't feel you know enough magic to be sure you can pass this thing safely.]
(if: "Scale Necklace" is in $treasure)[]\
[[Take one of the scale necklaces|Take necklace]]
[[Enter the Cave|Kobold Cave, Entrance]]
(if: $lore > 0)[The bones look like those of sheep, not people, and they've been snapped in half and burned.
(if: $lore > 1)[That would be consistent with either kobolds, a dragon with surprisingly picky eating habits, or just a human who stole livestock and ate it up here.]]
The middle of the cave floor has been worn smooth, as though something large has rubbed along it many times. This is it: if a dragon really does live around here, you've found the creature's lair.
(display: "Dragon's Cave, Outside")
(display: "Show Stats")
You've had enough adventuring here. You walk away from this place with what treasure you've found. (if: $score > 999)[You have a satisfying haul, enough to fund further adventures.] You never do learn of the town's... ***Dragon Fate***.
(if: $treasure contains "Dwarven Knit Cap")[At least you found a cool hat.]\
***Ending #2/$endings: Turning Away***
You stand outside the entrance of the dragon's cave. What will you do?
[[Return to the hilltop|Hilltop]]
[[Enter|Dragon's Cave, Entrance]]
''Dragon's Cave, Entrance''
This cavern is made of mottled grey and white stone, with a long trail through the middle that looks worn smooth. Your $light reveals stalactites and stalagmites that have all snapped off near their bases and been shoved off to either side, forming piles of conical spikes. (if: $lore > 0)[There are claw marks on some of these.] Some badly worn, carved markings on the rear wall draw your eye. There's also a hole in the roof with only darkness visible above; maybe you could climb up the nearby rocks and blunted spikes to see what's there. A broad passage twists around a corner and out of sight, downward.
[[Dragon's Cave, Outside]]
(if: $might > 0)[ [[Climb toward the hole in the ceiling|Upper Chamber]] ]
(else:)[ //The wall leading to the ceiling hole looks too hard for you to climb.// ]
(if: $magic > 2)[You sense a vague magical aura in this place.]
[[Examine the carvings]]
[[Winding Passage]]
(set: $treasure to $treasure + (a:"Scale Necklace"))
(set: $score to $score + 50)
You mutter a protective chant as you reach out for one of the scaly necklaces. To your relief, it comes away with only a faint rustle. You sense its magic resonating with the totem outside the cave, like a key to a lock.
[[Outside the small caves|Kobold Caves, Outside]]
(set: $treasure to $treasure + (a:"Scale Necklace"))
(set: $score to $score + 50)
As you grasp one of the necklaces, a wave of nausea washes through you, making you stagger back. Your arm and chest feel like they're being beaten with hammers!
(if: $health is 0)[The magical damage strikes your heart and lungs, making you black out. You do not recover.]
Though the pain is severe, it passes quickly. You find you're still clutching the necklace and it's doing no further harm.
[[Small cave entrance|Kobold Caves, Outside]]
''Upper Chamber''
This room looks like a natural cave chamber, used as a campsite. The floor and ceiling are uneven and pierced by stone columns. You must be just under the top of this hill.
There's a bedroll left by some past traveler, and a lantern, but both are ruined by time. Five piles of straw and crude blankets are scattered around. A broken ladder is here too, leaning against a painted mural of stick figures. Against another wall is a human skeleton with a smashed wooden shield. (if: $treasure contains "Dragon Gauntlets")[](else:)[The skeleton still wears an ornate pair of claw-like gauntlets.]
A section of the cave wall has collapsed, revealing another room built into the upper portion of the hill. Some sort of storage room with light coming from above.
(if: $flag_pray_upperchamber is 0)[ [[Pray for the skeleton]] ]
[[Examine the mural|Upper Chamber, Mural]]
(if: $treasure contains "Dragon Gauntlets")[](else:)[ [[Take gauntlets]] ]
[[Storage Room?|Aerie]]
[[Dragon's Cave, Entrance]]
(if: $lore < 2)[You're unable to make much sense of the carvings. They're eroded by time. All you're able to make out is a creature with wings.]
The carvings are badly eroded, but you're able to make out dragons. Many of them, or one dragon in many sizes. Human figures stand in the pictures with their arms raised. You take notes and sketches on what you see here.
(if: $lore < 4)[There could be more to learn here.]
(if: $flag_entry_carvings is 0)[
(set: $flag_entry_carvings to 1)
There's a pattern to these images. By following the arrangement along the walls to where there's seemingly nothing left, you find a picture you nearly overlooked. This one shows a dragon coiled around a human, facing the little figure with its massive horn-crested head. The pair don't seem to be locked in combat, though. The human has one arm outstretched as if to ward off the dragon... or just to touch its head.
[["Maybe humans and dragons can get along."]]
[["Disturbing. Maybe humans were once enslaved here."]]
(else:)[You've learned all you can from these carvings.]
[[Dragon's Cave, Entrance]]
''Winding Passage''
The wide sloping ramp leads up to the entry cave and down into a long spiral. A much smaller side passage leads away from the ramp. It's dark in both directions, but the side path looks far too small for a dragon, and square-edged like a manmade doorway.
[[Dragon's Cave, Entrance]]
[[Side passage|Barracks]]
[[Deeper|Grand Hall]]
(set: $affinity to $affinity + 1)
It's encouraging to see that peace existed in the past between humans and dragons, if you understand correctly.
[[Dragon's Cave, Entrance]]
(set: $affinity to $affinity - 1)
Troubling, indeed.
[[Dragon's Cave, Entrance]]
This side room's door stands open. Two skeletons are here with their arms smashed and with rusted spears at their sides.
Inside, there are living quarters for a dozen men. Each tiny room within the larger stone chamber holds a cot and shelves. The shared space has a dining area and tiny kitchen, along with racks for weapons and armor. Nearly all of the equipment is missing.
(if: $treasure contains "Menacing Key")[](else:)[\
(set: $treasure to $treasure + (a:"Menacing Key"))\
Something clinks against your foot. You find a disturbingly spiky stone key by one of the skeletons, and take this with you.
[[Winding Passage]]
''Grand Hall''
You reach a huge open chamber with a high ceiling set with crystals. Most of the many doorways here have collapsed. There are signs of a fight having taken place here. Human skeletons litter the floor, which is glassy and smooth except where some terrible blow has cracked it here and there. (if: $magic > 2)[These cracks look like the work of powerful war magic.]
One of the remaining archways is beautifully carved with a dragon-wings design, leading into a room that looks like a shrine or chapel. (if: $lore > 2)[You've heard of dragon cults, but rarely with actual dragons involved.] This entrance is only large enough for humans.
Another surviving passage is much larger and has a floor that slopes downward like an inverted dome, as far as your $light shows you. A third, also wide opening leads up toward the cave system's entryway. Finally, there's a glint of light just visible in the distance along a narrow hall.
(if: $treasure's length is 0)[//It's probably not worth digging through the rubble around here to look for anything else. You haven't found much of value so far, right?//]
{(if: $might > 2)[ (if: $flag_mc_examined_bodies is 1)[](else:)[ [[Look at the bodies]] ] ]\
(else:)[ //You haven't got enough fighting experience to say much about what happened in this confusing battlefield.// ]}
{(if: $lore > 2)[ (if: $flag_mc_figured_out is 1)[](else:)[ [[Try to figure out what happened here]] ] ]\
(else:)[ //You don't feel you know enough to understand the battle, other than that it happened.// ]}
{(if: $magic > 2)[ (if: $flag_mc_studied_magic is 1)[](else:)[ [[Study the magic damage]] ] ]\
(else:)[ //You lack the magical knowledge to say whether magic was involved. Probably yes, though.// ]}
[[Winding passage (upward)|Winding Passage]]
[[Glinting passage|Lesser Hoard, Trap Hall]]
[[Dome chamber|Egg Chamber]]
(if: $treasure's length < 1)[]\
(if: $flag_gh_rubble_cleared is 0)[\
You've explored enough of this place to look out for other secrets. You notice that one of the rubble-blocked passages is mostly intact, just piled high with rocks small enough that you might move them.
(if: $might < 1)[//It looks hopeless to try unburying that passageway, with your feeble strength.//]\
(else:)[ [[Try clearing the rubble]] ]
(else:)[ [[Rubble-strewn Tunnel]] ]
This hallway has several right angles and changes of elevation to throw off intruders. Only a few skeletons are here, though, and they all look shattered. (if: $lore > 1)[You're pretty sure someone put traps in here; beware.]
A mosaic of colorful tiles fills the small entry area with an abstract pattern. (if: $flag_gemstone_pattern is 1)[It looks like that pattern you saw in the shrine is worked into the array.] You can see enough of the convoluted tunnel network to realize that it's a little labyrinth, and a room beyond it shines with... could it be gold?
[[Grand Hall]]
[[Treasure Hoard|Lesser Hoard Trap]]
(if: $flag_gemstone_pattern is 1)[ [[Approach the treasure hoard using the shrine's pattern for guidance|Lesser Hoard]] ]
''Egg Chamber''
The floor of this large round room slopes down to form a bowl, as though a giant had bathed here. Lining the bottom are a dozen smaller depressions with debris in them. On closer inspection, the debris looks like a set of nests full of shredded cloth and shattered eggshells.
A doorway large enough for a man (but not a dragon) stands at the far end of the room, marked with an ornate abstract design that looks religious in nature. The entrance back to the grand hall is much larger.
A single intact egg stands in a corner. Desultory sparks crackle around it at the edges of a long-worn-out protective spell.
(if: $might < 4)[The sight of this lone holdout against whatever attack devastated so many others, fills you with determination. $mightplus]
(else-if: $magic < 4)[You inspect this and start to understand how several magical wards were created around the egg, as though several mages had focused their efforts on saving just one. $magicplus]
[[Grand Hall]]
[[Touch the dragon egg]]
(if: "Dragon Egg Fragments" is in $treasure)[]\
(else:)[ [[Take egg fragments]] ]
This room has rows of stone benches facing an altar. The floor slopes up and the ceiling descends toward the far wall, creating an illusion that the altar and the carved dragon behind it are distant and huge.
The dragon on the wall has its wings spread wide, and the stonework below them glitters with embedded gems. (if: $lore > 1)[Or colored glass, you suppose, but on closer inspection these do appear to be true gemstones.]
The altar has only tattered, ruined cloth atop it, depicting -- this may surprise you -- a dragon.
(if: $flag_saw_shrine is 0)[\
(set: $flag_saw_shrine to 1)\
[["A dragon cult. Evil people praying to evil monsters."|Shrine reaction, negative]]
[["I'm not sure whether they did it for good reasons, but it's easy to understand why people would show this much reverence for dragons."|Shrine reaction, positive]]
[[Examine the altar]]
[[Examine the gems]]
[[Egg Chamber]]
(if:$treasure contains "Dwarven Knit Cap")[//You're confident that the dwarven hat has no effect here.//]
(if:$treasure contains "Fertility Idol")[ A blue light shines from somewhere. It's inside your pack; the idol you found below is glowing faintly. You're not sure whether this is a good thing. The light grows fainter as you walk away from the altar. Will you [[Take out the idol and examine it]] while you're in here? ]
The rough surface of the egg scrapes against your fingers as you rub it. Tough to get a treasure like this home with you, but probably quite valuable if you can come back and have someone help!
(if: $magic > 2)[
Dragon magic lingers in this egg, not truly dead but sleeping.
(if: $magic < 5)[\
You don't understand how it might be harvested.
In a flash of insight, you understand. No dragon lives in this egg; it's an artifact of raw magic and possibility. There is no mind, no soul to claim that power. A wizard such as yourself might be able to slowly drain the object's power with careful study, if you could get it out of the cave, but you'd have trouble convincing anyone to help you while the threat of a dragon still looms.
There's another possibility... (if: $affinity < 3)[But it's too frightening to consider.]
(else:)[ [[What if...|Tapping the Dragon Egg]] ]\
[[Egg Chamber]]
It might be possible to "tap" this egg with your magic to link your own spirit to it. If that dangerous move worked, you could become one with the lingering energy. You would, most likely, draw on its power and become a dragon yourself.
It would mean the end of your adventuring career as a human, but who knows what you might achieve if you took this step and lived?
[[Step back|Egg Chamber]]
[[Join with the dragon egg's magic]]
You reach out once more and close your eyes. Gathering all of your magical skill and knowledge, you wind a mighty spell that spins around you and flashes into the egg, brightly enough to see through your eyelids.
Nothing happens. You hold your breath. Then there's a magical pulse from the egg that echoes your own heartbeat. On the next few beats the connection between you and it grows stronger. You feel its warmth surrounding you although you're standing beside it. Gravity shifts subtly to tug you closer to the egg's mottled surface. When your hands touch the shell it ripples like water and your flesh begins to sink through.
You may have misunderstood the spell you just cast. It won't simply turn you into a dragon by harnessing the egg's power. It's about to merge you with the egg itself!
[[Pull back|Resist Dragon Egg]]
[[Let it happen|END #3: Dragon To Be]]
You sink into the warm, dark egg. As its nourishing mass and magic soak into your skin, your clothing dissolves away and you need to curl up. It's the most comfortable pose here where you belong. //(Belong?)// You think about the complex feat of magic you've just worked, to harness not only the third harmonic field of a mana-touched species but also the... the... Well, the term's not important right now with the egg so close. //(Your egg!)//
You waver on the edge of consciousness, caught up in the spell making you //so sleepy// fatigued. Curled up in //home// your egg the village doesn't seem to matter for now. //Silly human place.// You squirm around, curled up and dreaming of open skies.
After a while you giggle silently. Your back itches so you scritch back against //home, to help your scales grow in.// Some kind of weight on your spine, too, from //your cute tail. Tail already! You hug it.// You'll write a fascina... a fas... //big book of dragon stuff// someday when //you grow up to be the smartest dragon ever!//
You'll one day meet other dragons and (if: $sex is "male")[ all the //dr'gon// girls ](else:)[ lots of //dr'gon// guys ] will //want to make eggs with you! Wait... how does that work? Don't know. Some day learn big stuff!//
//Some day, be big cute smart drig! Fly far, fly fast, get gold! Still know man stuff too! Still? Huh. Home good, sleep good and be drig one day.//
And so, you've ensured your own... ***Drig' Fate***.
***Ending #3/$endings: Dragon To Be***
(display: "Show Stats")
(set: $treasure to $treasure + (a: "Dragon Egg Fragments"))
(set: $score to $score + 100)
You scoop up some of the bits of eggshell. Even a small piece should prove valuable.
[[Egg Chamber]]
This may not be quite what you were trying for. You take a step back and begin a counter-spell.
The egg pulses with light and your whole body resonates. Each time you start to tear free the threads of the magic, they weave around you again. Finally you resort to running away, but a force pulls you closer, gentle but insistent. Your feet sink in as you try to run, and then your legs and the rest of you. Your last sight of the world outside, as a human, is the passage leading toward the outside world.
[[END #3: Dragon To Be]]
The faded colors along this wall depict stick figures with tails and muzzles, in various pursuits. Their bodies are brown, green, grey and occasionally other shades. The few drawn in red and blue seem like the leaders, standing in front of crowds or conducting ceremonies and hunts. It looks like the depiction of a kobold tribe's life and legends.
One image shows a warding talisman that kills intruders who try to pass it or touch it. Nearby kobolds laugh at the victim.
There are dragons in these pictures. Dragons posing majestically, being worshipped, occasionally eating kobolds or fighting on their side or generally wrecking things (or all three in the same scene). There's a vivid image, though damaged by time and water dripping from above, showing a complex set of rituals.
(if: $flag_upper_chamber_mural is 0)[
(set: $flag_upper_chamber_mural to 1)
You take notes on your discovery, feeling like you've learned something. What do you focus on?
[[Study the kobolds' culture|UC Mural, Lore]]
[[Study the kobolds' magic|UC Mural, Magic]]
(else:)[ [[Upper Chamber]] ]
(set: $treasure to $treasure + (a: "Dragon Gauntlets"))\
(set: $score to $score + 100)\
(set: $dragon_armor_count to $dragon_armor_count + 1)\
You carefully tug the gauntlets off of the skeleton's hands. (if: $lore > 1)[You say a brief prayer of respect for the dead, just in case.] (if: $magic > 1)[Once both are removed, you sense a flash of magic from them.]
You'd meant to stow the armored gloves in your pack, but seem to fumble them in just such a way that they slide onto your fingers and buckle into place, fitting perfectly. You could've sworn that they were too (if: $sex is "male")[small](else:)[large]. The claw-like fingers are clumsy at first but you quickly master them well enough to try unbuckling the new armor... try, but fail. It seems that this armor is cursed!
(if: $lore > 2)[You've heard of "cursed" armor before. It tends to be designed for some purpose that seemed reasonable to its designer, at the time. So what was this meant to do?](if: $lore > 3)[It also tends to come in matched sets, so you may be safe from its full effect so long as you don't encounter the rest.]
The armor glows briefly. You feel a surge of strength in your arms! $mightplus
[[Upper Chamber]]
The most elaborate scene shows a great deal about kobold religion and life, such as their tools, fighting methods and social organization. It seems that these creatures aren't simply the yippy little monsters some humans assume, but believe in reincarnation as dragons or dragon-like kobolds for those who perform heroic deeds or feats of great cleverness. They farm, they have a writing system, they understand money and good craftsmanship.
And yes, they do sometimes lurk in elaborate cave systems harassing adventurers. But as they portray it, such people are scary, giant burglars. Which makes it acceptable to actively lure them into such a place, sometimes, and then have fun killing them with traps. You could probably give a presentation on revisionist kobold history now, and have learned a smattering of other things. $loreplus
[[Upper Chamber]]
The kobolds' art shows them practicing a variety of spells. Despite the stick figure style, you see a surprising amount of detail that went into this art, and it's informative. Some of the techniques are unfamiliar but look effective. (if: $magic is 0)[Not that you have any real knowledge of magic, but with this information you could probably try!](else:)[Your study of the mural is as good as a human-made book on the subject.] $magicplus
[[Upper Chamber]]
(set: $affinity to $affinity - 1)
An unusually lucky bandit gang, maybe, that made an unholy oath with a monster for mutual protection and sharing of spoils?
(set: $affinity to $affinity + 1)
This place could be the home of people who had some kind of positive relationship with a dragon. You're not sure if actual worship was appropriate, or what the people's motivation was other than that dragons are powerful, and people respect power. (if: $affinity > 1)[There must have been more to it than simple fear or desire for violence, though.] (if: $lore > 2)[Most likely it was a town that relied on a dragon for protection.]
(if: $affinity < 3)[ How else did humans interact with dragons in this place? There must be more evidence around. ]\
(else:)[ You find you've come to respect and even admire the idea that dragons were a part of this undergound town. Could such dangerous creatures really be friends with your kind? It seems the answer is yes. ]
The neglected altar stands at about chest height, suitable for a human to perform religious ceremonies.
(if: $flag_shrine_goblet_taken is 1)[\
(if: $treasure contains "Aura Goblet")[\
***Insert Aura Goblet event***
(else:)[A silver goblet lies on the ground nearby, slightly dented but finely made. You take it. (set: $treasure to $treasure + (a:"Dragon Goblet"))(set: $score to $score + 50)(set: $flag_shrine_goblet_taken to 1)]
The stonework beneath the carved dragon shines in your $light's gleam. (if: $lore is 0)[Red stones to one side, blue on the other.](else:)[Rubies and amythysts to one side, sapphires and mottled blue opals on the other.]
(if: $lore > 2)[
(set: $flag_gemstone_pattern to 1)
The shower of gems from the dragon's wings suggests that a dragon was providing wealth to the worshipers here. Or figuratively, blessings. A particular arrangement of gems stands out repeatedly, like a constellation. You make note of it.]
(else:)[You aren't sure if there's anything else to learn from this artwork.]
[[Try to pry some gems loose]] (if:$piety>0)[//(It seems rude to do in someone's holy place.)//]
(set: $treasure to $treasure + (a: "Gems From Shrine"))\
(set: $piety to $piety - 1)\
You use the butt of a knife to try knocking some of the valuable gems loose from the wall. As you do so, you have a discomforting sense of something looming above you.
(if: $might > 3)[Using your impressive might, you turn to bashing at the mural with your $weapon before anything bad can happen. Several large, impressive stones fall loose. You sweep them out of the way with one foot and retreat swiftly. The sense of vengeful magic around you fades as you get away from the carved dragon. You pocket the treasure and make sure to keep clear of that thing from now on.]
(else-if: $magic > 3)[With your magical skill, you identify the presence as an old warding spell. It only seems linked to some of the gems. Carefully, you detach those gems that aren't linked to the trap, and stow them in your backpack.]
(else-if: $lore > 3)[There's an old story about temples full of traps that crush and poison unwary adventurers. You don't want to become a warning to future explorers. You step back and carefully examine the pattern of gems, which helps you identify which ones are most likely triggers for the magic here. With that insight you're able to take a few of the gems without harm.]
You work quickly, but a double blast of fire and frost shoots from concealed holes in the walls! You raise your arms but are hit from both sides and stagger away, yelping in pain.
(if: $health is 0)[The flames ignite your clothes and the frost freezes your face, making it hard to think of anything but the need to run, drop, escape. You end up doing none of these very well. Your adventure ends here.]
(if: $health > 0)[
(set: $flag_mc_examined_bodies to 1)(set: $treasure to $treasure + (a:"Lochstar Signet Ring"))
Your main interest in the scene is military, but you can't help wondering who was doing the fighting. There's not much left of either side to mark them, but the attackers had more metal armor. This gear is in an old style worn by the royal guards of Lochstar, the kingdom that rules the village of Garrick's Boon down the hill. You spend time trying to figure out more about the two sides. While crouching beside one skeleton you spot a signet ring on its finger with a version of Lochstar's crest on it. You take this and stand up again, feeling you know a bit more of this ruin's history. $loreplus
[[Pray for the slain]]<!-- Can't return to this passage; no flag needed -->
[[Grand Hall]]
(set: $flag_mc_figured_out to 1)
The battle scene involved a group of people entering from above, armed with spears and bows, against a larger group of mostly unarmed defenders. The civilians, if that's what they were, tried to hold the upward passage but were forced back toward the shrine and one of the collapsed passages. And then, something //big// came up from below, blasted a lot of attackers, and... went up from there, maybe. Certainly there's no dragon-sized skeleton in here.
One thing that interests you is the way both sides flung spells around. The defenders were clearly better at it, using blasts of fire and frost along with some kind of nasty effect that left bits of the floor twisted into spirals or transmuted into other types of stone. Fighting in a confined space and surrounded by so much earth and stone presents special challenges for spell-casters. $magicplus
[[Grand Hall]]
(set: $flag_mc_studied_magic to 1)
The blasted craters in parts of this vast room give you some insight into how the people who lived here, fought. Magical ice and fire seemed to be the most popular methods of attack, but there are signs of deflection spells and maybe the work of ordinary shields. You feel you better understand the feats of strength and courage that a delver into underground ruins needs. $mightplus
[[Grand Hall]]
(set: $flag_gh_rubble_cleared to 1)
You grunt and sweat as you clear away rocks from the collapsed tunnel entrance, starting near the top so you're not squashed by a rockslide. Soon the entryway is clear enough to squeeze through, and the tunnel beyond it is intact.
[[Grand Hall]]
This broad passage looks natural. It slopes down toward a noise of trickling water, and up toward the grand hall. The light of your $light casts irregular shadows along the rough walls.
[[Grand Hall]]
[[Underground River]]
A river runs through the dark tunnel, crossing your path. The stone passage continues uphill toward the grand hall, and downhill into the depths. The river is swift and probably quite cold, judging from the chill in the air. Stalagmites jut up from the water in some places while others have been worn smooth or snapped into blunt cones. A dragon would likely be able to cross the water easily and continue along the passage (which would explain the clear path across the once-sharp rocks), but you may have trouble. (if: $flag_river_bridge is 1)[A repaired wooden bridge crosses the water.](else:)[A wooden bridge stands in ruins here.] On closer inspection there's a dry, narrow path leading downstream toward a soft white light.
(if: $flag_river_bridge is 1)[ [[Cross the bridge|Underground River, Far Side]] ]
(if: $magic > 2)[ [[Try to repair the bridge by magic|Bridge repair, Magic]] ]
(if: $might > 2)[ [[Leap and wade across]] ]
(if: $lore > 2)[ [[Try to repair the bridge with rope|Bridge repair, Lore]] ]
[[Climb the tunnel upward toward the great hall|Rubble-strewn Tunnel]]
[[Carefully walk downstream|Underground Garden]]
(if: $treasure contains "Nightstone")[ [[Use Nightstone in the cold water]] ]
You try not to end up like the skeletons littering the hall, and make your way carefully around them, on guard for traps.
''WHAM!'' A stone pillar slams down from the ceiling right where you'd been standing a moment before! You hop instinctively away from the thing, but another one slams //up// from the floor!
''WHAM WHAM WHAM!'' You dance all the way back to the entrance and collapse.
(if: $health > 0)[
[[Lesser Hoard, Trap Hall]]
(if: $lore > 2)[ [[Deduce the pattern and try again!|Trap Hall, Try Lore]] ]
(if: $might > 2)[ [[Use your speed and try again! |Trap Hall, Try Might]] ]
(else:)[ The last thing you see is another pillar coming down. ''WHAM!'']
''Lesser Hoard''
You stare in wonder at this room full of treasure. Some of the shelves have been cleared or their contents rotted or rusted away, but what remains is more than you can carry. Your $light shines across gold and silver coins, goblets, jewelry, and gems lining the many stone shelves.
(if: $treasure contains "Dragon Helmet")[](else:)[\
An ornate helmet with swept-back horns sits on a pedestal in the room's center.] A stone chest (if: $lore > 1)[crafted in the dwarven style] sits in one corner.
An obvious button stands by the room's exit, with a pictogram (if: $lore >0)[indicating "Pause Traps"](else:)[of some sort] next to it.
Unless this entire room is some sort of trap, you're now a rich (if: $sex is "male")[man](else:)[woman].
(if: $treasure contains "Lesser Hoard")[](else:)[ [[Take treasure]] ]
(if: $treasure contains "Dragon Helmet")[](else:)[ [[Take helmet]] ]
[[Examine chest]]
[[Push button|Exiting Lesser Hoard]]
(set: $x to (random: 0, 1))
You tap one hand against your leg and nod your head, trying to set a rhythm for moving through the maze of traps. Then, you start moving.
(if: $x is 0)[
''WHAM!'' And then the floor shoots up and nearly crushes you into the ceiling.
(if: $health is 0)[You dust yourself off and make absolutely sure not to move until you've checked every spot around you for more trap triggers. You forget to check the very spot you're standing on. ''WHAM!'']
Ow. At least you're alive.
[[Lesser Hoard, Trap Hall]]
You practically dance through the pillars, first flattening yourself against one wall and then springing away and spinning to miss another by inches. You get to the end, and take a bow.
[[Lesser Hoard]]
(set: $x to (random: 0, 1))
You rush through, kicking off of walls and bouncing past skeletons and traps alike!
(if: $x is 0)[
''WHAM!'' And then the floor shoots up and nearly crushes you into the ceiling.
(if: $health is 0)[You dust yourself off and make absolutely sure not to move until you've checked every spot around you for more trap triggers. You forget to check the very spot you're standing on. ''WHAM!'']
Ow. At least you're alive.
[[Lesser Hoard, Trap Hall]]
You move like a champion, striding with speed and force past every obstacle. Stone columns slam up and down all around you, but the mightiest pillar here is you. At last you reach the end and strike a victory pose.
[[Lesser Hoard]]
(set: $treasure to $treasure + (a: "Lesser Hoard"))
(set: $score to $score + 1000)
You stuff handfuls of gold and jewels into your pack. Maybe you can come back later for the rest. (if: $health < 3)[Hopefully without getting squashed.] If you feel like retiring from this quest and ignoring the matter of the dragon, your newfound wealth would definitely help you overcome any guilt about that.
[[Lesser Hoard]]
(set: $treasure to $treasure + (a: "Dragon Helmet"))\
(set: $score to $score + 200)\
(set: $dragon_armor_count to $dragon_armor_count + 1)\
The helmet has a segmented design with swept-back horns and a suggestion of scales worked into its metal. When you touch it, a gleam shines across it and it leaps into your hand. From there it bobs into the air and settles atop your head. Though there's no obvious buckle or other fastener, you can't remove it!
(if: $lore > 2)[You've heard of "cursed" armor before. It tends to be designed for some purpose that seemed reasonable to its designer, at the time. So what was this meant to do?](if: $lore > 3)[It also tends to come in matched sets, so you may be safe from its full effect so long as you don't encounter the rest.]
The armor glows briefly. You feel whispers in your mind, telling fragments of ancient tales. $loreplus As you look around the room you bang your head into a columnn along the wall, and wince. You banged one of your horns against... wait. You bring one hand up to the helmet's horns and touch it, then shiver. Those things are sensitive!
[[Lesser Hoard]]
The treasure chest of intricate dwarven stonework seems to menace you with spikes of obsidian.
(if: $flag_menacing_chest_open is 1)[You've already taken everything from here.]\
(if: $treasure contains "Menacing Key")[\
(set: $flag_menacing_chest_open to 1)
Aha! You have a key that seems to match the lock. The chest grinds open, revealing... a rock. Actually it's a stone tablet, surprisingly light, inscribed on both sides with writing.
(if: $lore < 2)[You aren't well versed in the ancient writing on this artifact, which makes you hesitate to take it with you. Who knows; it could be cursed.]\
The writing is archaic, but some of it is more of a pictoral guide than a traditonal... spellbook! That's what this is! The exact nature of the spells seems to involve blasts of ice and fire, protective wards against impacts and heat, and... change? $magicplus
(set: $treasure to $treasure + (a:"Dracomancer Spell Tablet"))\
(if: $magic is 1)[You believe you could start to cast basic spells with this knowledge!]\
(if: $magic > 4)[It's fascinating to see this new perspective on spellcraft. What would normally take dozens of pages to explain in a paper spellbook has been summarized into diagrams and insightful, short comments. Considering the small engraving of the letters, it might be hard to squint at the thing in the middle of a fight, but even the brief study you give the tablet for now gives you ideas about tapping into magic energy sources to raise your power still further. There's probably some kind of powerful source around here!]\
(else:)[You haven't got a key to this sturdy chest. Dwarves are notorious for well-made locks with nasty anti-magic surprises, so it'd probably be unwise to force your way into the box.]\
[[Lesser Hoard]]
You push the button, and hear the hidden mechanisms of the hallway's traps grind to a halt. However, a faint ticking sound begins. (if: $lore > 0)[You guess this is a countdown, letting you leave the hall safely if you hurry.]
[[Hurry back to the trap hall entrance|Lesser Hoard, Trap Hall]]
[[Stay here|Lesser Hoard]]
''Underground River, Far Side''
You stand on the far side of the undergound river. It's dangerous to approach the cold, swift water from this side, considering the slick stones and the potential for being dashed against them. A passage leads farther into the draconic depths from here.
(if: $flag_river_bridge is 1)[ [[Cross the bridge|Underground River]] ]
It doesn't seem practical to fix the bridge from this side; the angle and lighting make it too hard.
(if: $might > 4)[ [[Leap and wade across]] ]
[[Draconic Depths]]
(set: $flag_river_bridge to 1)
You recall a spell for reweaving objects of wood and rope. You step close and cast it at the broken bridge. To your delight, the wrecked fibers knit back together and reconnect across the stream! It should be safe to cross now.
[[Underground River]]
By sheer strength, agility and daring you leap and scramble across the chilly stream. You have to wade at one point and emerge with freezing legs, but quickly dry yourself off and are unharmed.
[[Underground River]]
[[Underground River, Far Side]]
(set: $flag_river_bridge to 1)
You look the problem over carefully, then take out rope and weight one end with your knife. You toss this end across and use that to lasso the remains of the bridge, then haul what's left over to you. After a few minutes of knot-tying and improvised repairs, you have a usable if alarmingly sparse bridge. You still have plenty of rope and your knife left, too.
[[Underground River]]
Crystals glowing a milky white hang from chains throughout this underground garden, creating the illusion of moonlight on trees and grass. The chilly air smells of pine needles. Stone benches are arranged in a loose circle around a fountain, and more are scattered around between groves of trees that form secluded spots to relax. (if: $lore > 3)[You've heard tales of sunken gardens built by dwarven kings with a fondness for above-ground life. The magic to maintain them is more than this dim artificial moonlight alone. That spellcraft must linger here.]
A rough hole in one wall leads to a small room, marked on either side by a tiny glowing crystal. It appears to be a crypt.
(if: $magic > 2)[Mage-lights! Permanent glowing crystals like these are a rarity.]
(if: $treasure contains "Glow Crystal")[]\
(if: $might > 2)[ [[Pry a crystal loose]] ]
(else:)[ //The crystals all look too securely attached to take. // ]\
[[Crypt|Arinnya's Crypt]]
[[Approach the fountain|Underground Garden, Fountain]]
[[Underground River]]
(set: $treasure to $treasure + (a: "Glow Crystal"))(set: $score to $score + 150)(set: $light to "crystal")
You manage to break one of the glowing crystals free from its metal holder without breaking it, or yourself.
This crystal makes a wonderful light source. Rather than stashing it in your backpack you put out your lantern and hold this new bauble in front of you. (if: $lore is 0)[It's shiny. Shiiiiny.]
[[Underground Garden]]
This small round room is a crypt. It contains a stone casket and a set of childishly drawn, faded images of humans and dragons. (if: $treasure contains "Frost Pendant")[]\
(else:)[A beautiful pendant made of (if:$lore > 1)[platinum, sapphires and blue opals](else:)[shiny metal and blue gems] sits atop the casket. It's shaped like a dragon with raised wings that form the loop for the finely made chain that carries it.]\
The casket itself has no seams, as though it had been forged like metal. The suggestion of a woman's face is etched into it.\
(if: $flag_broke_casket_you_jerk is 1)[ The casket has been smashed and looted by some heartless adventurer. ]\
(else:)[ (if:$lore>0)[Maybe something valuable is inside.] ]\
(if: $lore > 3)[There are runes in an archaic style here. You're able to make out a name: "Arinnya". (set: $flag_know_arinnya_name to 1)]\
(if: $treasure contains "Frost Pendant")[]\
(else:)[ [[Take pendant|Take Frost Pendant]] ]
(if: $lore > 3)[ [[Study drawings]] ]\
(else:)[ //The drawings don't mean much to you.// ]
(if: $flag_broke_casket_you_jerk is 0)[\
(if: $might > 4)[ [[Break open the casket]] (if:$piety>0)[//(Taking from the dead is one thing, but desecrating their very coffins?)//] ]\
(else:)[ //You couldn't break open this sturdy casket even if you wanted to.// ]\
(if: $flag_pray_arinnya is 0)[ [[Pray for the dead|Pray for Arinnya]] ]
[[Underground Garden]]
(if:$treasure contains "Dwarven Knit Cap")[//You doff your dwarven hat in respect, but nothing happens yet.//]
(if: $treasure contains "Flame Pendant")[\
As you reach for the frost-like pendant, the firey red one you already possess grows dangerously hot. It flies out of your backpack and turns ghostly, hovering there for a moment. It then flies straight through the floor, diving out of sight!
(set: $treasure to $treasure - (a:"Flame Pendant"))
(set: $treasure to $treasure + (a: "Frost Pendant"))\
You pick up the pendant and admire its cool, smooth metal surface and the glitter of its gems in your $light's glow. (if: $magic > 2)[ You sense a magic aura to this object, but it does nothing clearly harmful. ]
[[Crypt|Arinnya's Crypt]]
The drawings around this crypt depict a blue, pretty-looking hybrid of human and dragon, playing with human and dwarven children. A true dragon with red scales flies around in many of the images, though there's also a human in a red outfit. Wherever this figure appears, the woman in blue is there too, riding on the dragon's back or joining the kids in games and chores.
(if:$flag_examined_crypt_drawings is 0)[\
(set:$flag_examined_crypt_drawings to 1)
[["People lived in peace with dragons. Even in love."|Crypt Reaction, Positive]]
[["I don't understand why anyone would //want// some kind of interaction with a dragon, except to fight. When is encountering a dragon ever a good idea?"|Crypt Reaction, Negative]]
[[Crypt|Arinnya's Crypt]]
(set: $flag_broke_casket_you_jerk to 1)(set: $affinity to $affinity - 1)\
(set: $treasure to $treasure + (a: "Arinnya Spell Tablet"))\
You raise your $weapon and use it to smash open the stone casket! On the third blow, the rocky shell cracks... and something seemingly made of ice leaps out at your throat. Its frozen teeth tear at your flesh and chill your blood. You flail at it desperately.
(if: $health is 0)[ The vicious ice-creature bites your neck again and again, until its crystal body is stained with bright blood. You topple forward and sprawl across the broken casket like a mourner, and there you remain. ]
Finally you grab hold of the beast and hurl it into the wall, then bring your $weapon to bear and shatter it with a single strike. You lean against a wall, breathing hard and trying to stop the bleeding. As you begin to worry you'll black out, you fish a bandage from your backpack and wrap it tightly around your neck. It's hard to breathe, but that's better than the alternative right now.\
As long as you've gone to the trouble, you might as well see what's in here. You peer into the cracked box and see a skeleton. You'd say human, but that's not quite the case. The bones look distorted, with clawlike fingers.\
(if: $lore > 2)[The skull is extended too, with sharper teeth and the nubs of horns. Part dragon!]
A stone tablet is clasped in the body's hands. You carefully pull it free.\
(if: $lore > 2)[ The intricate carved designs on it appear to be aides for the memorization of magic spells! $magicplus ]
(if: $health > 0)[ [[Crypt|Arinnya's Crypt]] ]
You lean over the fountain and see your reflection. It's a good moment to think about who you are and what you've done.
(display: "Show Stats")
(if: $flag_drank_from_fountain is 0)[ [[Drink from fountain]] ]\
(else:)[ //The fountain's water is refreshing, if you care to drink, but its healing magic won't help you again for now.// ]
[[Underground Garden]]
{(link:"Save (Slot 1)")[
(if:(save-game:"Save 1"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Save failed!
{(link:"Save (Slot 2)")[
(if:(save-game:"Save 2"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Save failed!
{(link:"Save (Slot 3)")[
(if:(save-game:"Save 3"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Save failed!
(if: $health < 3)[(set: $flag_drank_from_fountain to 1)\
You drink from the fountain. //Ah!// The water is cold and pure. You feel the worst of your wounds fade away and the fatigue of your travels ebbs. (set: $health to $health + 1) ''You have recovered from one wound.''
(else:)[ The fountain's water is cold and refreshing, but unremarkable. (Were you expecting something?) ]
[[Underground Garden]]
''Draconic Depths''
The deep earth grows warm, and the rough stone walls no longer chill your hands. The floor is smooth except where stairs have been carved into it in the steeper stretches. The main passage is wide enough for twenty men to walk abreast. Here and there, though, are alcoves built to a human scale, with stone benches and torch-holders. (if: $magic >2)[Ventilation is apparently no problem with sufficient magic.]
A winding, broad tunnel leading down from the river reaches an underground crossroads. The intersection creates an austere rocky plaza with a high ceiling. A set of doors at a grand but human size leads to a room with faint reddish light shining through. A smaller door of thick bronze, with dwarven runes (if: $lore >2)[(amounting to "Keep Out")] on it, (if: $flag_dwarf_office_boom is 0)[stands](else:)[has been blown off its hinges] near one corner. Finally, a rack with a few broken picks and rusty buckets stands at an unfinished-looking tunnel entrance that's braced like a mineshaft.
[[Ascend, back toward the underground river|Underground River, Far Side]]
[[Approach the Dwarven Door]]
[[Mine Entrance]]
[[Magma Galley]]
(if: $flag_dwarf_office_boom is 1)[\
The office is a shambles. The desk and bookshelves are sturdy, blocky stone things, but everything else has been blasted by an explosion.
Here is a dwarf's ideal of a well-made office. Everything is squat, sturdy, hard, and rectangular, favoring stonework over wood. Like a dwarf, you suppose. Ruined old papers are scattered in a trail leading from the desk to the open door in the back, as though the occupant had left in a terrible hurry. The open door leads to the mine entrance.
(if: $treasure contains "Dwarven Bomb")[](else:)[\
The front door has a bundle of cords and cylinders attached. (if: $lore is 0)[You decide it's probably not something to fool with. You don't know enough to avoid being spectacularly killed by it.](else:)[\
(set: $treasure to $treasure + (a:"Dwarven Bomb"))\
It's a bomb! After stepping carefully away from the thing you study it and realize it's inert, for now. You cut the wire that makes it possible for an attack on the door to detonate it; it's obvious which one, from this side. You stow the bomb in your backpack just in case. (if: $lore > 3)[Looks like there's a little acid vial involved, and a long enough fuse that it'll take a minute or so to explode once you push the alarming red button on one side.]
(set: $flag_dwarf_office_unlocked to 1)\
It should be safe now to use the front door, to the draconic depths.\
The rest of the office is less alarming: a metal trash can, shelves of books, and an obsidian carving of a carp with menacing spikes. Or maybe it's a puffer-fish.
(if: $flag_dwarf_office_boom is 1)[\
//Whatever was in here is ruined now.//
[[Draconic Depths]]
[[Deep Arena]]
(else-if: $flag_dwarf_office_unlocked is 1)[
[[Search the office]]
[[Draconic Depths]]
[[Deep Arena]]
//With that bomb on the inside of the front door you should probably not leave that way.//
[[Search the office]]
[[Deep Arena]]
''Mine Entrance''
A rough stone passage leads from the underground plaza of the Draconic Depths and into a set of mining tunnels. Old metal tracks run along one of these paths, for carrying material in the rusty minecarts sitting on them. You hold up your $light and carefully approach a steep shaft with a ladder leading down. (if: $light is "crystal")[The glow-crystal helps you see that some of the rungs are cracked; you think you can avoid those now that you know.]
Another tunnel leads slightly uphill into some sort of large open gallery.
(if: $flag_explored_steep_shaft is 0)[ [[Steep Shaft]] ](else:)[//You've already explored the steep shaft.//]
[[Open Gallery|Deep Arena]]
[[Draconic Depths]]
''Magma Galley''
This curved room glows blood-red. It's wide and full of stone benches and tables, enough for easily a hundred people. Windows of some titanic glass line one long wall, giving you a view of a magma-filled room like a volcano's heart. A bridge wide enough for a dragon (if: $might > 3)[(but sensitive enough for a lady)] crosses this lake of fire to a dwarf-carved, massive gate. This room forms part of a ring overlooking a hidden magma pool!
A section of the room is partly walled off, forming a kitchen.
A sturdy door of similar glass leads to a little room with a second glass door, then to a sort of patio, which even has a table on it. A path leads from there to the bridge.
A sturdy but unlocked door leads along the ring. This one is decorated with a hammer and anvil.
[[Draconic Depths]]
[[Hell's Kitchen]]
[[Magma Bridge|Deadly Heat!]] (if:$piety>2)[//(The fires of hell await! Only an exceptionally tough adventurer, or a mighty wizard with access to specialized draconic magic, or someone with some other preparation is likely to survive in there!)//]
[[Rozzo's Smithy]]
(set: $flag_explored_steep_shaft to 1)
You climb down a rusty, creaking ladder after testing your weight on it. It holds well enough for you to get a look at the bottom of a steep pit with something glinting at the bottom.
(set: $x to 0)
(if: $light is "lantern")[\
Suddenly, one of the rungs snaps under your hands! You flail to regain your hold but one of the rungs your feet is on breaks under the added pressure. You scream and crash down the rest of the shaft.
(if: $health is 0)[One day, perhaps another traveler will find what's left of you.]\
(else:)[You land on a pile of gravel that gives slightly under you, cushioning the blow and preventing you from snapping your neck. (set: $x to 1)]\
(else:)[Your glow-crystal helped you see that some of the ladder's rungs are cracked. It was easier to tell from above the ladder than while trying to climb down it. You test one of the suspicious rungs and indeed, it snaps, but you're ready for the problem and keep hold of the ladder. You make your way down without trouble. (set: $x to 1)]\
(if: $x is 1)[\
(set: $treasure to $treasure + (a: "Diamond Pick"))(set:$score to $score + 200)\
At the bottom, you find a short tunnel where a mining pick has been abandoned. The blade shines and your eyes widen. It's made of solid diamond! Why would such a thing have been left down here unless the user was in a great hurry? Though the pick's handle isn't nearly so valuable, it's still well-made metal with inscribed dwarven runes.
(if: $lore > 2)[It occurs to you that diamonds aren't necessarily valuable gemstones, and this specimen has some clouding and discoloration that probably disqualify it. Still, it's sharp and hard and shiny, and you'd love to own the mine where it came from. Maybe you will, soon.]
The passage ends in a pile of rubble. Presumably the digger left off from adding yet another tunnel to the mine.
[[Use the pick as your new weapon]]
[[Climb back up|Mine Entrance]]
''Magma Bridge''
A wide, sturdy bridge of black stone crosses high over a crater of bubbling magma, filling this towering cave with frightening colors of flame from beneath. The heat is almost unbearable. Rippling air rises past you toward the dim and distant ceiling.
Several lines have been painted across the bridge, dividing it into five-pace sections. As you crouch to inspect these your hand brushes against an invisible barrier. It seems that once you step onto the bridge, walls of magical force offer some protection against falling off. (Best not to test exactly how much.) The temperature is even a little milder there.
You glance back toward the dining galley and spot a rack of old practice swords and shields, and a black stone ball. Windows set along several parts of the walls provide a view of the galley, and another room on the far side of the bridge.
Beyond the bridge, a huge glasslike door (and another door behind it) leads onward.
[[Back to Magma Galley|Magma Galley]]
[[Dragon's View]]
''Tolmarnar's Gate''
Glass pipes full of magma line this hall, giving it a look of being on fire. A titanic gate of purple metal, probably worth a small fortune by itself, blocks your path. The gate has intricate engravings of scales, wings, weapons and armor.
A pair of metal fountains stand encased in glass to either side, spraying water in endless loops. A sliding glass door the size of a dragon is behind you, leading to the bath chamber.
This is it.
(if: $flag_hoard_open is 0)[\
You might be able to open the door by might, magic or lore, but one skill alone may not be enough to get you back out. If you open the way... well. If there is no dragon, it's likely the end of your journey. If there //is// a dragon, you're inviting trouble for yourself and everyone living nearby. Will you take that risk, or walk out of here with your treasure and your life?
<!-- Three ways to open the door. This chunk also hints at whether you've got adequate skills: one at 5, one at 3. -->\
(if: $might > 4)[ [[Force the door open]] ](else-if: $might < 3)[//You don't feel strong enough.//](else:)[//You're strong, but not quite strong enough for the door.//]
(if: $magic > 4)[ [[Unlock the door by magic]] ](else-if: $magic < 3)[//You don't feel especially confident in your magic.//](else:)[//Your magical skill is impressive, but it won't open the door.//]
(if: $lore > 4)[ [[Study the door's engravings for clues]] ](else-if: $lore < 3)[//Your lack of knowledge humbles you.//](else:)[//Your knowledge of dragon lore won't help you right now, but you still feel well informed.//]
[[Retreat toward the bath for now|Tolmarnar's Bath]]
(if: $flag_hoard_open is 1)[ The [[Final Hoard]] stands open, with hazy air and an uncertain fate beyond. ]
''Tolmarnar's Bath''
This large, square room is mostly filled with a pit of clear, steaming water, around twenty feet deep. The surface bubbles, but when you reach toward the steam you realize it's not boiling, just fed by pipes bringing air and stirring the pool. Various shades of red and blue tiles line every surface.
(if: $lore > 2)[Some runes along one wall spell a name: "Tolmarnar". (set:$flag_know_tolmarnar_name to 1)]
(if: $treasure contains "Flame Pendant")[](else:)[\
A golden necklace with a dragon-shaped pendant of red gemstones hangs on a peg next to a storage closet.
(else:)[A storage closet is along one wall. ]\
The closet contains a stack of fluffy towels that have survived the long years of neglect and humidity. (if:$lore>3)[Dwarves are not particularly known for their towel-crafting.]\
(if: $treasure contains "Dragon Towel")[](else:)[\
You take just one for now. You would rather not return to the village and have the first thing anyone asks be why you stole all the towels. Or worse, having this be what provokes a dragon into burning the countryside.\
(set: $treasure to $treasure + (a:"Dragon Towel"))(set: $score to $score + 50)\
(if: $treasure contains "Flame Pendant")[](else:)[ [[Take Flame Pendant]] ]
[[Dragon's View]]
[[Tolmarnar's Gate]]
{(link:"Save (Slot 1)")[
(if:(save-game:"Save 1"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Save failed!
{(link:"Save (Slot 2)")[
(if:(save-game:"Save 2"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Save failed!
{(link:"Save (Slot 3)")[
(if:(save-game:"Save 3"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Save failed!
''Final Hoard''
You take a deep breath, ready your $weapon(if:$treasure contains "Crystal Shield")[ and crystal $shield_style shield], and step through the haze that obscures the final gate.
You stand now in a rough-hewn cave lit by a magma-filled glass pipe along the walls, soft blue light from crystals on the high ceiling, and the shine of both playing across a massive pile of gold and silver coins, gems, and other valuables. Atop this heap of incredible wealth lays the skeleton of a dragon.
Its skull alone is as big as you, with teeth that could pierce your arms straight through. The dragon's spine coils around the treasure hoard, and some of the coins beneath it are stained with dark, dry blood.
[["It's dead. I... would have liked to speak with the dragon."|Sad]]
[["Glad it's gone, but I wish I'd been able to slay the beast myself."|Happy]]
<!-- Tolmarnar starts with 3 health. You can fight him three ways, possibly getting hurt each time. Your chance of success depends on whether you use a different skill than last time. Also, you can try to reason with the dragon while fighting. To win, you must survive, plus either score 3 hits or 2 social attacks. The first option kills Tolmarnar and the second triggers the happier endings with him. Running out of health here doesn't kill you but causes the "In Distress" ending. See "stand your ground" for more info. -->\
(set: $tolmarnar_health to 3)\
The skeleton rumbles. You step back in alarm. Beams of light shine from every crystal in the room, from the ceiling and from parts of the hoard(if:$treasure contains "Crystal Shield")[ and even from your $shield_style shield]. Where the light strikes the ancient bones, flesh begins to clothe it. Muscles and scales pour into existence from nowhere, rapidly transforming the dead dragon into a live one. Already its eyes have regrown, shining with a light like flame.
''Tolmarnar, the Banked Flame'' stares into you as his body revives. And the massive door leading out of here is rumbling down to trap you.
[[Stand your ground!|Stand your ground! (Lair)]]
''Cheaty Debug Passage''
This is a debug passage for skipping ahead to various spots.
(set: $species to "Human")
(set: $class to "warrior")
(set: $sex to "male")
(set: $affinity to 3)
(set: $piety to 2)
(set: $might to 4)
(set: $magic to 5)
(set: $lore to 3)
(set: $health to 3)
(set: $weapon to "acorn")
(set: $light to "lantern")
(set: $treasure to (a:"Fertility Idol","Frost Pendant","Dwarven Bomb"))
(set: $score to 0)
(set: $dragon_armor_count to 2)
(set: $how_passed_volcano to "I have the power to rewrite your world: the power of Debugging!")
(set: $mightplus to "(set: $might to $might + 1)'' (Might+) ''")
(set: $magicplus to "(set: $magic to $magic + 1)'' (Magic+) ''")
(set: $loreplus to "(set: $lore to $lore + 1)'' (Lore+) ''")
(set: $wound to "(set: $health to $health - 1)'' (You are wounded!) ''")
(set: $endings to 15)
(display: "Show Stats")
Draconic Depths
Tolmarnar, the Banked Flame
(if: $flag_dwarf_office_boom is 0)[\
This door is made of thick bronze inscribed with dwarven runes.\
(if:$lore>2)[These amount to "Keep Out." Dwarves have a repuration for hating unwanted guests.]\
(if: $lore>3)[You read more carefully. "Foreman Dormundir Deepbreaker. Trespassers Will Be Detonated. Deposit Labor Complaints Here." A slot for inserting papers stands along the wall near that inscription. You make out some sort of device just beyond the door.]\
(if: $flag_dwarf_office_unlocked is 0)[\
The door is sturdy, but you might be able to break in, somehow.\
(if:$might>4)[ [[Muscle your way in]] ](else:)[//You aren't strong enough.//]
(if:$magic>4)[ [[Magically pick the dwarven lock]] ](else:)[//Magic doesn't seem to help you here.//]
(if:$lore>4)[ [[Pick the dwarven lock]] ](else:)[//You doubt you could pick the lock.//]
The door has already been unlocked.
[[Dwarven Chamber]]
The office door has been blown off its hinges, leaving free access to what's left of the room beyond.
[[Dwarven Chamber]]
[[Draconic Depths]]
(set: $flag_dwarf_office_boom to 1)
You step back, then roar and try to slam your way through the door!
You crash into the door with all your might... and the door suddenly sprouts half a dozen blunt spikes that bludgeon you like a gang of thugs striking all at once. You stagger back, seeing stars.
(if: $health is 0)[One of your wounds bleeds. On closer inspection, one of those spikes was quite sharp, and placed at heart level. You admire the trap's craftsmanship as you collapse.]\
A resounding ''BOOM!'' echoes through the tunnels, coming from inside the dwarven room. Though your impact had little effect, the blast knocks the door off its hinges! At least the path ahead is open now.
[[Draconic Depths]]
(set: $flag_dwarf_office_boom to 1)
You study the dwarven runes, then muster an unlocking spell.
A resounding ''BOOM!'' echoes through the tunnels, coming from inside the dwarven room. The door blasts off its hinges and slams into you!
(if: $health is 0)[\
As you lay there bleeding and broken from the impact of an entire door being propelled like a cannonball into you, you're reminded that dwarves aren't fond of magical meddling.
At least the path is open now. You pick yourself up, shaken and wounded, and reflect on the dwarven love of explosives, traps, and teaching lessons to meddlesome mages.
[[Draconic Depths]]
(if: $flag_menacing_chest_open is 1)[\
You're about to make a terrible mistake with your lockpicking skill, when you recall the dwarven-styled chest you encountered earlier. This looks like the same workmanship except for a suspicious addition to what you can see of the design. As soon as you recognize the trap for what it is, you scurry back: the thing was rigged to explode in your face! Best not to try breaking in.
[[Draconic Depths]]
(set: $flag_dwarf_office_boom to 1)\
You crouch by the lock and carefully set to work trying to pick it. There's an elaborate clockwork mechanism, and if you can just... uh oh.
A resounding ''BOOM!'' echoes through the tunnels, coming from inside the dwarven room. The door blasts off its hinges and slams into you!
(if: $health is 0)[\
As you lay there bleeding and broken from the impact of an entire door being propelled like a cannonball into you, you're reminded that dwarves aren't fond of thieving [$class]<x1|s.
At least the path is open now. You pick yourself up, shaken and wounded, and reflect on the dwarven love of explosives, traps, and teaching lessons to meddlesome [$class]<x2|s.
[[Draconic Depths]]
(set: $treasure to $treasure + (a:"Dwarven Knit Cap"))(set: $score to $score + 5)
You're not entirely sure this red knitted cap is worth anything, but hey, it's an antique. You take it.
<!--It does nothing; just a silly thing.-->
[[Deep Arena]]
You heft the diamond pick and grin. Feels well balanced for breaking stone or breaking bones. You feel tougher just holding it. You put your $weapon away and switch to your new toy. (set:$weapon to "diamond pick") $mightplus
[[Mine Entrance]]
You're wary of more traps, but find no sign of them. The office's owner didn't seem to have much use for expensive furnishings either. (if:$lore>2)[He clearly prefered explosive furnishings.]
The books look mostly ruined, but a few are intact enough to give you hints of a lively, functioning underground town that once mined for a living. $loreplus
<!-- Secret door hiding dragon armor breastplate. 0 pieces found? Nothing. 1 piece found? Sense something. 2 pieces found? Door unlocks. -->\
(if: $flag_secret_closet_unlocked is 0)[
(if: $dragon_armor_count is 0)[//You don't find anything interesting along the walls.//]\
(else-if: $dragon_armor_count is 1)[Your bits of draconic armor resonate, giving you a sensation that they move and flow in the direction of one of the walls without actually moving. It's like standing in a strong current. Try as you might, though, you can't find whatever is pulling or pushing them.]
(else-if: $dragon_armor_count is 2)[Your bits of draconic armor resonate, giving you a sensation that they move and flow in the direction of one of the walls without actually moving. It's like standing in a strong current. The feeling strengthens, guiding you to a bookshelf where one of the ruined books hides a tiny button concealed in the masonry.\
A shelf slides into the wall and swings aside, rumbling so loudly it seems to shake the room. A secret passage! The movement reveals a storage closet with a stone tablet, and a magnificent breastplate.
The tablet is propped up on a shelf, carved with a picture of squat stick figures smiling in a many-pillared hall. A happy-looking, crudely carved dragon looms over them, with another stick figure riding on its back.
As for the armor, it's stunningly well made. The overlapping scales are a mottled red and blue, metallic but etched with countless tiny runes that give them the appearance, from a distance, of a lizard's rough hide. No surface is concave to give a blade somewhere to catch, yet its segmented scaly plates make the piece suitable for mobile, agile combat. Various clasps allow it to open sideways and close to cover back and front. The back plate curves along the spine to suggest part of a broad tail.
(set: $flag_secret_closet_unlocked to 1)\
The armor closet stands open... (if: $lore > 2)[and clearly, the rest of your armor "wants" you to take the final piece.]
(else-if: $magic > 1)[You sense some sort of magical aura here. (if: $magic > 3)[It seems like draconic magic specifically, like something hidden nearby!] ]
(if: $treasure contains "Dragon Breastplate")[//The hidden armor rack stands open and empty.//]\
(else-if: $flag_secret_closet_unlocked is 1)[ [[Take the breastplate|Take breastplate (Dragonkin TF)]] ]
[[Dwarven Chamber]]
<!-- You never have the breastplate in your inventory. If you take it, you transform and all your dragon armor vanishes. -->\
(set: $species to "Dragonkin")\
(set: $treasure to $treasure - (a:"Dragon Helmet","Dragon Gauntlets"))\
You take the draconic breastplate in both hands, finding it surprisingly light for something so sturdy-looking. The armor unlatches, and of its own accord, floats onto your torso and attaches itself.
Your gauntleted hands twitch and your helmet seems to clench in around your skull. You double over, feeling squeezed... but the experience doesn't hurt. You open one eye and feel like you're seeing at the wrong angle. Then the other eye. Your field of vision is wider than it should be. For a human. Your face begins to push outward, stretching your jaw into a muzzle.
The mirror behind the armor rack shows your entire body shifting. The armor contracts around you, causing your clothing to tear enough that it exposes scales, spreading out from the armor itself to cover your skin. You touch the ones on your arm and feel both the touch against the new scaly hide, and the feel of your arm against the gauntlet's clawtips as though they were your own claws.
A weight behind you catches your attention. You turn your head and lose your balance, forcing you to press one hand against a bookshelf. A heavy tail is growing out from your spine! Your muzzle bumps against your shoulder as you try to get a good look with your strangely positioned eyes.
The scales spread beween your clawlike hands and torso, and down from your neck to meet your shoulders. Still more of the bright scales sprout down from the armor.
(if: $sex is "male")[\
(if: $treasure contains "Frost Pendant")[(display: "Dragonkin TF, Frost Pendant")]\
They're a brilliant array of red shades, scarlet and vermillion, like an autumn tree. Pink scales decorate parts of your muzzle, palms, and the underside of your tail. Your armor shifts from its mottled red-and-blue to a consistent red palette as well. Your whole body feels more muscular as your hips shift to lean a little forward, balancing against your new tail.
The mirror shows you a bright red dragon-man, strong and rugged.
(if: $treasure contains "Flame Pendant")[(display: "Dragonkin TF, Flame Pendant")]\
They're a brilliant array of blue shades, navy and sky blue and sapphire. Pale, almost white scales decorate parts of your muzzle, palms, and the underside of your tail. Your armor shifts from its mottled red-and-blue to a consistent blue palette as well. Your whole body feels more muscular as your hips shift to lean a little forward, balancing against your new tail. You blush a little at the fact that your still-curvy chest is now bare but for the scales; it feels heavy but well supported by your sturdy muscles.
The mirror shows you a bright blue dragon-woman, strong and graceful.
[[Continue|Dragonkin TF, Continued]]
You decide to leave the dragon's lair behind. You're not the human adventurer you once were. You've become tougher, wiser, and otherwise different. (if: $score > 500)[And considerably richer.]\
(if: $affinity<1)[A disturbing but not entirely bad...](else:)[A strange but wonderful...] ***Dragon Fate***.
(display: "Show Stats")
But the tale's not quite over. The question is, will you show yourself in Garrick's Boon again and try to explain what happened, or hurry away from the place before they decide to practice their dragon-slaying on you?
[[Return to the village (Dragonkin)]]
[[Leave the whole region|Leave (Dragonkin)]]
<!-- Possible endgame for you once you've been turned into a dragonkin. You can also turn back from here and keep adventuring. This passage is displayed right after the TF with a "display" command, before the other choice, so that's why no other options are written in this passage. -->\
With all that's happened, it occurs to you that this might be a good time to leave your quest behind. Maybe the villagers can... well, you could see their reaction, or come back with help, or find a way to undo this. You're not sure. Is it worth escaping with your life and what treasure you've found, and calling it quits for now?
[[ENDGAME: Dragonkin]]
One side of the room of tables is walled off, with an open doorway revealing shelves and counters with ancient food stains. There was certainly heat available for cooking here! (if: $lore > 1)[But how was food preserved? Lots of salt and smoke?]
You examine an impressively large walk-in pantry. There's nothing here that looks remotely edible.
(if: $treasure contains "Dwarven Cookbook")[](else:)[\
You do find some sort of heavy, illustrated dwarven cookbook, though. Most adventurers would scoff at this sort of loot, but in the hands of the right buyer looking for the legendary Lost Souflee of the Hammerlords, who knows how much it might be worth?
(set: $treasure to $treasure + (a:"Dwarven Cookbook"))(set: $score to $score + 350)<!-- That's how much. -->
(if: $treasure contains "Nightstone")[]\
(else-if: $lore > 4)[
In a side room of the pantry, you find a Nightstone. This is some obscure lore, but... you've heard of a type of stone that drinks cold and becomes even colder. Expose it to some chilly place and it will become charged with a winter's power. Ha'zel the Shadow Mage is said to have kept cold rum available for her companions throughout a long journey this way.
Though one Nightstone by itself is little more than a curiosity, finding a real example of the stuff in such a place suggests that you've found a source for it. That information could be quite valuable.
(set: $treasure to $treasure + (a:"Nightstone"))(set: $score to $score + 500)\
(else:)[//You don't know enough obscure lore to recognize anything else valuable here.//]
[[Magma Galley]]
''Deadly Heat!''
(if: $flag_passed_heat is 1)[ (display: "Magma Bridge") ]\
The moment you step through the door to the magma room's patio, the searing heat of the volcanic depths hits your skin. Hellish flame-colored light shines from below, giving everything a surreal appearance. Every ragged breath burns your lungs. (if: $lore > 1)[And there's a //dining table// here?!] (if: $might > 1)[Truly this place is only for the most adventurous diner!] (if: $lore > 2)[Your only luck here is that you're somehow not also poisoned by the fumes.]
<!-- Three ways to not get roasted: high might, high magic + either spell tablet, or charged nightstone (which required high lore to get). Becoming dragonkin doesn't automatically work but it does give you +2 might (gloves+breastplate). Can't chain else-ifs apparently (?), so here's a workaround. -->\
(if: $treasure contains "Charged Nightstone")[\
You take the charged Nightstone from your pack and hold it close, trying not to freeze your hands. Its intense cold creates an aura of vapors and mist around you, doing bizarre things to the moisture of your breath and whatever passes for breatheable air here. The chill is enough to stave off even the volcano's heat, for now. Best not to dawdle.
(set: $how_passed_volcano to "I recognized a Nightstone in your kitchen's supplies, and recharged it.")\
(set: $flag_passed_heat to 1)\
(else-if: $magic > 4)[\
(if: $treasure contains "Dracomancer's Spell Tablet")[(set:$found_tablet to 1)](else-if: $treasure contains "Dracomancer's Spell Tablet")[(set:$found_tablet to 1)]\
(if: $found_tablet is 1)[\
A stone tablet you found springs to mind. A spell you hadn't quite understood becomes clear: it was a charm to resist intense heat like this! You cast it swiftly and the air around you ripples, creating a bubble of mildly warm air. It's enough to stave off even the volcano's heat, for now. Best not to dawdle.
(set: $how_passed_volcano to "I've learned the secrets of draconic magic.")\
(set: $flag_passed_heat to 1)\
]<!--No spell tablet? You're out of luck.-->\
(else:)[Your magical skill is impressive, but you haven't learned a heat protection spell powerful enough to save you.]\
(if: $flag_passed_heat is 0)[
(if: $might > 4)[\
You roar in challenge to the flames below, swig from your canteen, and spit over the walkway. You don't plan to linger here, but it's just a volcano. You can handle it.\
(set: $how_passed_volcano to "I'm just that badass.")\
(set: $flag_passed_heat to 1)\
<!--Now, if any of the conditions passed, you can move on.-->\
(if: $flag_passed_heat is 1)[\
Steeling yourself to continue, you step onto the bridge...
[[Magma Bridge]]
(if: $health is 0)[ Your clothing catches fire, and then your hair, and a few seconds after you topple from the rocky walkway, the heat gets much more intense. It's over quickly.
(else:)[ The fire is too intense! [[Retreat before you're roasted to death!|Magma Galley]] ]
(set: $treasure to $treasure - (a:"Nightstone"))\
(set: $treasure to $treasure + (a:"Charged Nightstone"))\
You recognize that the chilly stream might be a good spot to recharge the Nightstone. You find a safe spot where you can let go of it without the thing washing away.
After a few minutes you notice especially cold air wafting from the spot where you left the stone. You gingerly hold out one hand and feel that while you might freeze your fingers by clutching it for long, it's safe to pick up. You take the newly charged Nightstone and stow it in your pack.
[[Underground River]]
They're a brilliant array of red shades, scarlet and vermillion, like an autumn tree. Pink scales decorate parts of your muzzle, palms, and the underside of your tail. Your armor shifts from its mottled red-and-blue to a consistent red palette as well. Your whole body feels more muscular as your hips shift to lean a little forward, balancing against your new tail.
In fact, you've developed more tough, strong bulk than you'd have thought, even from the fact that you're becoming part dragon. You look down at your chest and see your breasts flattening away. More lizard-like features? A sudden twinge between your legs answers your question. You hardly dare to look, but there's a reason your hips are feeling narrower, your clawed fingers less delicate. You're becoming male! You grunt in surprise and the sound comes out deeper, from a new, gravelly voice. A bump along your neck and a few words spoken as a test, confirm that you sound very much like some sort of male dragon. You gulp.
The mirror shows you a bright red dragon-man, strong and rugged.
(set:$sex to "male")(set:$genderbent_ftm to 1)
They're a brilliant array of blue shades, navy and sky blue and sapphire. Pale, almost white scales decorate parts of your muzzle, palms, and the underside of your tail. Your armor shifts from its mottled red-and-blue to a consistent blue palette as well. Your whole body feels more muscular as your hips shift to lean a little forward, balancing against your new tail.
As you adjust your stance to figure out how to carry the heavy thing behind you, you run a clawed hand down your side. Your hips swell wider just then, feeling warm and softer... //What?//
An ache in your chest distracts you from that. You're bare-chested now that the armor has become part of you, and your new scaly flesh is growing heavier in two distinct mounds. When you yelp in surprise, it's at a higher pitch, and you hold one delicate clawed hand against your muzzle. Strange tugging and churning low in your belly makes you shudder, realizing that these changes are rapidly turning you female.
The mirror shows you a bright blue dragon-woman, strong and graceful.
(set:$sex to "female")(set:$genderbent_mtf to 1)
(set: $affinity to $affinity + 1)\
(if: $affinity < 3)[ How else did humans interact with dragons in this place? There must be more evidence around. ]
(else:)[ You find you've come to respect and even admire the idea that dragons were a part of this undergound town. Could such dangerous creatures really be friends with your kind? It seems the answer is yes. ]
[[Arinnya's Crypt]]
(set: $affinity to $affinity - 1)\
(display: "Arinnya's Crypt")
''Deep Arena''
A large, faintly lit space has been carved out of the earth, with pillars and arches reinforcing a ceiling around thirty feet high. Along two walls are long terraces with smaller steps leading up into them. Tattered pennants hang from the columns. Small glowing crystals are deeply embedded at various points in the ceiling, giving the space the feeling of being open to a starry sky.
In the flat middle of the room, faded paint lines divide the space in half and define several circles. A triangle is painted along each corner. A small side room has a counter and several broken casks that have spilled something sticky all over the floor, long since dried.
A short staircase leads up to an ornately carved door in a dwarven style, which has been left open. A time-worn hat sits just outside.
(if: $treasure contains "Fertility Idol")[\
A formerly locked door stands unobtrusively near one corner.
A locker stands unobtrusively near one corner. The lock isn't up to the level of craftsmanship (and expense) of others you've seen lately.
[[Open the locker]]
[[Stairs to the open dwarven door|Dwarven Chamber]]
[[Mine Entrance]]
(if: $treasure contains "Dwarven Knit Cap")[](else:)[ [[Take the hat]] ]
You have little trouble forcing your way past the lock. Inside, you find a locker holding a set of deflated leather balls, a whistle on a cord, and... what is this? There's a drawer (also poorly locked) containing a stone idol that looks like a pudgy dragon sitting up on its haunches. It's made of deep blue marble, set with (if:$lore is 0)[blue gems](else:)[sapphires] in its eyes.
[[Take idol]]
[[Deep Arena]]
(set: $treasure to $treasure + (a:"Fertility Idol"))
You carefully pick up the idol and set it on a shelf where you can get a better look at it. The finely carved dragon sits up on a round, full belly, and gazes at you with a serene expression on its jewel-eyed muzzle. The craftsmanship is excellent.
[["It's... it's cute."|Idol reaction, positive]]
[["Kind of disturbing, but worth something."|Idol reaction, negative]]
[["...Moving on."|Deep Arena]]
''Rozzo's Smithy''
A forge heated by magma fills the far end of this smithing workshop. The right wall is lined with glass windows overlooking the impressive stone bridge. Several of the anvils, hammers, chisels and other tools shine brightly despite their age. A few are even made of shimmering purple crystal. There's some ordinary metal like iron and tin available as ingots, wires and bars, not worth lugging around. Much of that is corroded anyway.
(if: $treasure contains "Crystal Tools")[You've already taken the tools that look most worth carrying without overloading yourself.](else:)[\
(set: $treasure to $treasure + (a:"Crystal Tools"))\
(set: $score to $score + 400)\
You take a few of the more portable tools. Any smith would love to have such sturdy and well-made equipment. Maybe you can come back for the rest later.
(if: $treasure contains "Crystal Shield")[You smile and heft your $shield_style crystal shield.](else:)[\
A shield of shining crystal is on the floor. You pick it up, and see that it was left unfinished, with no handle or arm-strap.
(if: $might > 1)[ [[Use the smithy to complete the shield|Forge the Shield]] ](else:)[It's nice work, but you don't feel you have the strength to use the smithy to complete it.]\
(if: $treasure contains "Diamond Pick")[\
(if: $might > 2)[ [[Rebuild your diamond pick|Forge the Pick]] ]
[[Magma Galley]]
(set: $affinity to $affinity + 1)
(display:"Deep Arena")
(set: $affinity to $affinity - 1)
(display:"Deep Arena")
You have some explaining to do. You're careful to wait for the next day so you can approach in broad daylight, and make no threatening moves. A shepherd spots you, runs, and summons the crowd from the tavern, with pitchforks.
(set: $x to $piety * 200)(set: $x to $x + $score)\
(if: $x < 750)[
You try to argue, but the people panic and mistake your conversation for threats when you mention the many dangers you faced. They brandish their pitchforks and drive you away, cursing.
[[Leave (Dragonkin)]]
Fortunately, you're able to convince them you're the adventurer they hired. The sight of some of the loot you found helps. (if:$piety>0)[You invite the village priest to come and confirm you're no ravenous monster, which relieves the people still afraid of you.]
It takes them a while to accept what happened to you as more than a monstrous curse. Once they're over the shock (not that you're calm about it yourself), they get curious and ask all sorts of questions about your adventure and what you've become.
[[The Farmer's Request]]
You slink away from the village, never to return. At least not for a while. (if:$affinity<0)[Not until you break this curse.](else:)[You need time to think about how you'll fit in among humanity now.]
[[END #5: Dragonkin Wanderer]]
''$sex $species $class''
''Health: $health/3''
''Might: $might''
''Magic: $magic''
''Lore: $lore''
''Affinity: $affinity''
''Treasure: $treasure''
''Gold Piece Value: $score''
<!-- Idol activates if you're female, or male and have the frost pendant. Leads to a variant on the dragonkin TF ending. Unlike that ending, you can't opt to continue the quest from here. -->\
You reach into your backpack and pull out the draconic idol. A flash of blue light washes over the whole room. You're momentarily blinded, and stagger back against the altar.
(if: $sex is "male")[\
(if: $treasure contains "Frost Pendant")[ (set: $idol_activates to 1) The frost pendant slips free from your pack and floats onto you, to clasp itself around your neck! ]\
(else:)[You feel queasy, but the sensation passes. You lean against the stone table, breathing heavily, until you're ready to move on. You scoop the idol up with your backpack to avoid touching it again until you're outside the shrine.]\
(else:)[ (set: $idol_activates to 1) ]\
(if: $idol_activates is 1)[\
Feeling queasy, you lean against the stone table, breathing heavily.
[[The Idol]]
](else:)[ [[Shrine]] ]
You decide to leave the dragon's lair behind. You're not the human adventurer you once were. You've become tougher, wiser, and otherwise different. (if: $score > 500)[And considerably richer.] (if: $affinity<1)[A disturbing but not entirely bad](else:)[A strange but wonderful] fate.
The question is, will you show yourself in Garrick's Boon again and try to explain what happened, or hurry away from the place before they decide to practice their dragon-slaying on you?
[[Return to the village|Return to the village (Eggs)]]
[[Leave the area|END #7: Dragon's Brood]]
<!-- Eggs/partial dragonkin TF. If you're already dragonkin (due to finding all the armor) the description changes. -->\
The seasick feeling slowly subsides, but you feel oddly... full, as though you'd just had a big meal. That doesn't seem quite right though, because the sensation is a little lower than your stomach. Down between your hips.\
(if: $species is "Human")[\
(set: $species to "Part-Dragonkin")\
You pull your shirt partway aside to get a look at your middle. Your skin there is turning blue! When you touch it you feel a rough texture, as a set of fine blue scales sprouts around your navel and spreads out from there.
Then, you lose your balance and wobble as a tail starts to push out from the base of your spine! It grows longer and heavier by the moment. In just a few minutes you gape at the muscular, lizardlike tail twitching and curling behind you, sensitive to the touch as it thumps against the altar and walls. Your scales have spread all the way around your waist, down to your hips, and nearly up to your ribcage, but at last their growth slows and stops. Is it over?
<!-- Now TG if male, regardless of whether species changed -->\
(if: $sex is "male")[\
(set: $genderbent_mtf to 1)(set:$sex to "female")\
You feel around the scales on one hip, just as the flesh there swells out against your fingers. (if: $species is "Part-Dragonkin")[Your bones must be reshaping to account for your new tail.] You shuffle your feet and realize you're standing with much wider hips... and now, your chest aches. The changes up there are hardly visible at first, but with each breath you see breasts swelling a little larger on your chest.
(if: $species is "Part-Dragonkin")[With all that attention you pay to holding onto your spreading chest, you miss some of the show down between your legs. A series of tugging sensations pulls your manhood into you, leaving only a slit surrounded by soft, warm blue scales.]\
(else:)[Your slit tingles and warms pleasantly, giving you the sense of things shuffling and reshaping inide you.]\
(display: "ENDGAME: Eggs")
''Dragon's View''
You pass through a dragon-sized glass door that slides open at your approach, and shut once you're inside. How novel! One door leads "inward" to the magma crater and the bridge across it. The other leads "outward" and is etched with countless clawlike designs that make it mostly opaque and hide the room behind it.
The room seems meant mainly as a hallway, (if:$lore>1)[insulating the outer rooms from the magma's heat,] but a large open area to one side curves around the magma room and has a large window with a view of the bridge.
An elaborate mosaic lines the outer wall, showing humans and dwarves in scenes of battle and mining.
(if: $flag_examined_mosaic is 0)[
[[Examine the mosaic for its battle scenes|Mosaic, Might]]
[[Examine the mosaic for its peaceful scenes|Mosaic, Lore]]
[[Magma Bridge]]
[[Tolmarnar's Bath]]
(set: $flag_examined_mosaic to 1)
You study the mosiac, running your hands along the old, dusty tiles. (if:$species is "Dragonkin")[Your claws scrape gently along them, stirring fragments of memories from a life you didn't live.]
A flame-hued dragon confronts a party of human and dwarven warriors on the closest, right edge of the mosaic. In scenes farther to the left, a man in red fights alongside them against a sinister, shadowy figure. The red man and a woman in blue stand together under a hail of gems and flowers. The dragon reappears and tears holes in a mountain with his mighty claws and sears tunnels with his flaming breath.
The details beyond that aren't clear, so you focus on the scenes of battle. The red man and the dragon never appear together, except in a pose where one is a sort of shadow of the other and they're taking on an entire army of orcs. If it were possible to change back and forth between the two forms, a $class like you could wreak havoc on a battlefield. Even the sight of the unusual, aggressive-looking battle techniques of the dragon-led soldiers inspires you. $mightplus
(if: $might > 4)[You feel impressively mighty to have come this far.]\
[[Dragon's View]]
(set: $flag_examined_mosaic to 1)
You study the mosiac, running your hands along the old, dusty tiles. (if:$species is "Dragonkin")[Your claws scrape gently along them, stirring fragments of memories from a life you didn't live.]
A flame-hued dragon confronts a party of human and dwarven warriors on the closest, right edge of the mosaic. In scenes farther to the left, a man in red fights alongside them against a sinister, shadowy figure. The red man and a woman in blue stand together under a hail of gems and flowers. The dragon reappears and tears holes in a mountain with his mighty claws and sears tunnels with his flaming breath.
The details beyond that aren't clear, but humans and dwarves work together to build various things, stand on piles of gold, and consult with impressively bearded wizards about some sort of dragon idol. (if: $treasure contains "Fertility Idol")[(The same one you're carrying.)] In the final image there's a stylized little dragon standing on its hind legs. $loreplus
(if: $lore > 4)[You feel you've learned a great deal about the people who once lived here.]
[[Dragon's View]]
<!-- +1 health, once. Special description if you became dragonkin and if you were TGed by that. -->\
(if: $health < 3)[(set: $flag_bathed to 1)\
You make sure the water is safe to touch, then remove your armor and clothes and slide in. //Ah!// For a few minutes you're able to stop worrying for the immediate future and let the bath soothe your wounds and stress.
(set: $health to $health + 1) ''You have recovered from one wound.''
(else:)[ The bath is pleasantly hot and helps you get clean and as relaxed as you can be under the circumstances. ]\
(if: $species is "Dragonkin")[
The water feels strange against your new $scalecolor scales. They lie nearly flat and create interesting ripples when you move, then dry quickly when you lift one arm experimentally out of the bath. Because this pool is much larger than you, you try swimming and realize you're using your tail to help paddle. It's quicker than human-style swimming.
(if: $genderbent_ftm is 1)[\
This chance to float and move around in a different way with little danger gives you time to look yourself over. Your balance feels thrown off, with broad shoulders and hips just wide enough to support your tail. Then there's the matter of what's inside that slit between your legs. When you get back to the village you'll talk to that cute barmaid, and... //Whoa!// It's a little early to start thinking about that, hero. In any case, you relax a little about your changed sex now that you've had time to reflect.
(else-if: $genderbent_mtf is 1)[\
This chance to float and move around in a different way with little danger gives you time to look yourself over. Your balance feels thrown off, with your bulging chest and with those hips curving wide around your tail. You must still be part mammal. Then there's the matter of what's inside that slit between your legs. When you get back to the village you can show it off to that strong farmer, and... //Whoa!// It's a little early to start thinking about that, hero. In any case, you relax a little about your changed sex now that you've had time to reflect.
After using one of the magnificent towels, you take a moment to look at your reflection and think about what you've accomplished.
(display:"Show Stats")
[[Tolmarnar's Bath]]
(if: $treasure contains "Frost Pendant")[\
As you reach for the flame-like pendant, the frosty blue one you already possess radiates intense cold. It flies out of your backpack and turns ghostly, hovering there for a moment. It then flies straight through the ceiling, out of sight!
(set: $treasure to $treasure - (a:"Frost Pendant"))
(set: $treasure to $treasure + (a: "Flame Pendant"))\
You pick up the pendant and admire its warm, smooth metal surface and the glitter of its gems in your $light's glow. (if: $magic > 2)[ You sense a magic aura to this object, but it does nothing clearly harmful. ]
[[Tolmarnar's Bath]]
(set: $flag_hoard_open to 1)\
You take a few deep breaths, then charge and attack the door with your $weapon and all your might. Your blow makes the entire surface ring, painfully shaking your arms and echoing off the walls.
Though you didn't so much as dent the metal, the door reacts, rumbling slowly up into the ceiling.
Beyond the gate, you see a cavern obscured by hazy, rippling air, like the effect of heat and steam magnified by illusion. Something shines along the floor, and something massive looms still and silent atop it.
[[Tolmarnar's Gate]]
(set: $flag_hoard_open to 1)\
You muster all your arcane skill and weave an unlocking charm so elaborate that even the door's wards can't stand against it. You're encouraged at this proof that even a solid, huge thing will yield to an adventurer with the right abilities.
A metallic clang resounds through the room, from inside the door. Then another and another as more mechanisms flip and unlatch. At last the door rumbles upward into the ceiling.
Beyond the gate, you see a cavern obscured by hazy, rippling air, like the effect of heat and steam magnified by illusion. Something shines along the floor, and something massive looms still and silent atop it.
[[Tolmarnar's Gate]]
<!-- Unlike the other methods to open the door, you need to have done some exploration. Get at least 2 "unlock points" by finding locks and other clues elsewhere! -->\
With no knob or keyhole, this door must have some secret to it. You call upon all the imagery you've seen in this lair.
(set: $unlock_points to 0)
(if: $flag_gemstone_pattern is 1)[There's the pattern you saw in the shrine, for instance. (set: $unlock_points to $unlock_points+1)]
(if: $flag_dwarf_office_unlocked is 1)[There's the way you disarmed the trapped door in the dwarf foreman's office. (set: $unlock_points to $unlock_points+1)]
(if: "Scale Necklace" is in $treasure)[You even think there's a parallel between kobold ward totems and the worksmanship here. (set: $unlock_points to $unlock_points+1)]
(if: $species is "Dragonkin")[ Your dragon-like body is its own clue, giving you an eerie sense of familiarity to some of the shapes and patterns. (set: $unlock_points to $unlock_points+1)]
(if: $unlock_points < 2)[\
But you just don't have enough context to understand how this door is meant to unlock. Could there be other clues about how dragons lock their doors?
(set: $flag_hoard_open to 1)\
At last, you press your (if:$species is "Dragonkin")[claws](else:)[fingers] against the warm metal, pushing a sequence of symbols. They click slightly inward.
A metallic clang resounds through the room, from inside the door. Then another and another as more mechanisms flip and unlatch. At last the door rumbles upward into the ceiling.
Beyond the gate, you see a cavern obscured by hazy, rippling air, like the effect of heat and steam magnified by illusion. Something shines along the floor, and something massive looms still and silent atop it. Neither red nor blue, but bone-white... Could it be that nothing lives in the final depths?
[[Tolmarnar's Gate]]
You feel stronger and charged with magical power, sensing bits of memories like old dreams. The stray thoughts speak to you of honorable battle, tense negotiation with dwarves and humans, peaceful times of labor and relaxation, all in the body of a mighty... //Dragonkin. That's the term.// None of the draconic armor is still armor; it has become part of your body. Someone created this enchanted set just so that someone else could become what you are. It must have been a great honor to be given such a thing.
(if:$affinity<0)[Yet the "honor" deeply disturbs you. You're no longer human! Maybe one day, you'll find a cure for your foolishness in collecting cursed armor.]
(else-if:$affinity>0)[You feel honored, as well.]
$mightplus $magicplus $loreplus
(if: $sex is "male")[(set: $scalecolor to "red")](else:)[(set: $scalecolor to "blue")]\
(display: "End as Dragonkin?")
Otherwise, you could continue to explore, perhaps leaving the dragon's lair for the hillside once you're done looking around. You have plenty to think about.
[[Dwarven Chamber]]
You look through the workshop for suitable parts and compare them to the shield's holes for attaching a handle.
(set: $treasure to $treasure + (a:"Crystal Shield"))\
(set: $score to $score + 500)\
(set: $shield_style to "plain")
(if: $light is "lantern")[You'll need to wear your lantern on your belt for a light source. Not ideal, but the thing's designed with that in mind.](else:)[You fashion a metal holder and a cord for your glow-crystal to wear it like a necklace.]
Come to think of it, the crystal-working tools look like they could be used to add some decoration without damaging the shield. Feel like adding something?
[[Leave it plain|Rozzo's Smithy]]
[[A dragon, of course!|Shield, Dragon]]
[[Engrave a mystical unicorn|Shield, Unicorn]]
You study your diamond pick and think about how to use the sharp, double-ended blade for a weapon more to your liking.
(if:$weapon is "diamond pick")[](else:)[\
(set:$weapon to "diamond pick")\
<!-- In case you didn't equip it and get the bonus when you found it. -->\
[[Make a sword with a curved blade|Forge Sword]]
[[Make a curve-tipped spear or glaive|Forge Glaive]]
[[Never mind; stick with the pick|Rozzo's Smithy]]
You remove the pick's blade and take out metal rods and strips from the smithy's supplies. In an hour of sweaty work you heat iron over coals and magma to create a hilt and crosspiece, and attach them to the diamond. You wrap a strip of leather around the hilt once it's cooled. At last, you have a powerful diamond sword!
(set: $treasure to $treasure - (a:"Diamond Pick"))\
(set: $treasure to $treasure + (a:"Diamond Sword"))\
(set: $weapon to "diamond sword")\
[[Rozzo's Smithy]]
You remove the pick's blade and take out metal rods and strips from the smithy's supplies. In an hour of sweaty work you heat iron over coals and magma to create a usable pole and crosspiece, then mount the curved blade on one end. Some careful lathe work adds a gripping surface. Once it's all ready, you heft the weapon and practice swinging and stabbing with it in the confined space of the forge. At last, you have a powerful diamond glaive!
(set: $treasure to $treasure - (a:"Diamond Pick"))\
(set: $treasure to $treasure + (a:"Diamond Glaive"))\
(set: $weapon to "diamond glaive")\
[[Rozzo's Smithy]]
(set: $shield_style to "dragon")
You give it your best shot.
(if: $lore > 4)[Your engraving is detailed and elegant, based on the pictures throughout the caves.]\
(else-if: $lore > 2)[Your artistic skill doesn't match the pictures throughout the caves, but it's a respectable draconic design with spread wings.]
(else:)[You're not really sure how to draw a dragon despite the local examples. The work comes out looking like the dragon's got one beefy arm and angry eyebrows. //Sigh.// In any case, it's still a sturdy shield. (set: $score to $score - 100)(set: $shield_style to "beefy-armed dragon")]
Your craftsmanship makes you feel stronger holding it! $mightplus (if: $shield_style is "crude dragon")[Nobody will burninate //your// beloved peasant village today!]
[[Rozzo's Smithy]]
(set: $shield_style to "unicorn")
You give it your best shot.
(if: $lore > 4)[Your engraving is detailed and elegant, based on your knowledge of legends and real horses. You try to capture some of the vivid style seen in the caves' images of people and dragons.]\
(else-if: $lore > 2)[Your artistic skill doesn't match the pictures throughout the caves, but it's a respectable unicorn design rearing up on its hind legs.]
(else:)[You're not really sure how to draw a unicorn. Your design comes out looking more cute than regal, with big eyes and sock-like markings on its hooves. //Sigh.// In any case, it's still a sturdy shield. (set: $score to $score - 100)(set: $shield_style to "unicorn pony")]
When you hold the shield ready for battle, you sense magic flowing around it! The material seems to be a sort of mana conductor, amplified by your attempt to add symbolism of a highly magical creature. $magicplus (if: $shield_style is "unicorn pony")[Perhaps it's the magic of friendship.]
[[Rozzo's Smithy]]
You have some explaining to do. You're careful to wait for the next day so you can approach in broad daylight, and make no threatening moves. A shepherd spots you, runs, and summons the crowd from the tavern, with pitchforks.
(set: $x to $piety * 200)(set: $x to $x + $score)\
(if: $x < 750)[
You try to argue, but the people panic and mistake your conversation for threats when you mention the many dangers you faced. They brandish their pitchforks and drive you away, cursing.
[[END #7: Dragon's Brood]]\
Fortunately, you're able to convince them you're the adventurer they hired. The sight of some of the loot you found helps. (if:$piety>0)[You invite the village priest to come and confirm you're no ravenous monster, which relieves the people still afraid of you.]
It takes them a while to accept what happened to you as more than a monstrous curse. Once they're over the shock (not that you're calm about it yourself), they get curious and ask all sorts of questions about your adventure and what you've become.
Half the town's population seems to want to feel your belly. You feel very strange about this, since you're so protective of it and you didn't have it yesterday.
You're treated with awe, a little fear, and a lot of curiosity. Considering your appetite, the free meals are a blessing.
(if: $genderbent_mtf is 1)[ [[The Miller's Request]] ]
(else:)[ [[The Miner's Request]] ]
The miller catches you in an idle moment when you're sitting in a borrowed hut, humming and holding your middle. He looks terribly embarrassed.
"What is it?" you ask.
"The men of my line never have children," he tells you. "It's only the daughters that carry the bloodline along; it's been that way for four generations. But I want to have decendants of my own, and to pass along my family name." He hesitates, then blurts out, "And you seem to have found magic of fertility."
You laugh. "//You?// You want to deliberately be hit with an enchantment to turn you into, into..."
"You can't bring yourself to say it?"
You look down at your changed body, take a deep breath, and murmur, "A beautiful egg-filled (if:$species is "Dragonkin")[dragonkin](else:)[part-dragoness]."
The miller smiles. "You are. And I'd gladly share such a fate. Judging from what you've said, you're not carrying dragons, just dragon-people who can become part of our way of life. Will you help me?"
[["I'd want a wagon ride up to the hills, but yes."|END #6: Dragon Layers]]
[["I'm sorry; I don't think spreading this magic is a good idea."|END #7: Dragon's Brood]]
The miner catches you in an idle moment when you're sitting in a borrowed hut, humming and holding your middle. He looks terribly embarrassed.
"What is it?" you ask.
"It's my wife," he tells you. "She's never been able to have children. And... well, you seem to have found magic of fertility."
You laugh. "She would want to have //dragons?//"
"Well, no. You're going to have some sort of dragon-people, aren't you? You're far too small to be carrying real dragon eggs, judging from what you described in the caves. So... dragon-kin are better than no children at all. Will you help us?"
[["I'd want a wagon ride up to the hills, but yes."|END #6: Dragon Layers]]
[["I'm sorry; I don't think spreading this magic is a good idea."|END #7: Dragon's Brood]]
You waddle away from town, often humming to your belly. Thoughts of them fill your mind and your dreams. A few days' travel through the wilderness doesn't take you far, but you do find an abandoned cabin that you can make reasonably comfortable.
The next week is busy and awkward. You try to forage and hunt in the woods to stock up on food, even as you swell up a little more. The draconic part of your transformation seems to help you carry the weight surprisingly well, but you're still a very motherly-looking $species and not the mightiest hunter around. Besides, you spend a surprisingly long part of each day just relaxing, daydreaming about becoming a mother.
Once you feel the cabin is decently well-stocked with meat and vegetables, you get a sudden obsession with having a nice place to lay down. No... //to lay//. You scatter blankets into a cozy nest on the floor until your new instincts are satisfied. Then you curl up, resting on your heavy belly, and settle down to sleep until it's time for your //first-of-many// clutch.
You know you're going to be a great mother to the lives growing inside you. It's a wonderful... ***Dragon Fate***.
***Ending #7/$endings: Dragon's Brood***
(display:"Show Stats")
The next day, the farmer you met in the tavern greets you. You're living in a borrowed hut, not luxurious but comfortable enough for now. He says, "The dragon's lair had no actual, living dragons as far as you saw, right? And no sign of some ancient evil ready to spring out at us?"
"That's true."
"Then we should go there again. Take the rest of the valuables, or even move into the place ourselves. I've spoken with some of the others about this and they're prepared to follow your lead on a new expedition."
"You would want to live in a cave?"
"It was a really nice cave, from what you said. It could be again." Sounding embarrassed, he adds, "Maybe there's even more of that armor you found."
[["All right. Let's go."|END #4: Dragonkin's Return]]
[["Sorry. It's a dangerous place, and I should be moving on."|Refuse]]
You lead an expedition back into the hills, this time with a crowd of curious peasants behind you. Many of them get cold feet and wait outside, but several of the braver souls take up their swords, spears and pitchforks to accompany you.
They're amazed as you show them all that you've found, and what wonders the ancients had abandoned so close to their homes. You haven't even excavated all of the tunnels and poked around in every corner. Even so, there is wealth and power to be had in this little underground kingdom.
For the town of Garrick's Boon, generations of work are ahead. The lost knowledge and magic are the people's -- your people's -- treasure to explore and rebuild. You are their hero and the one who will lead them to a prosperous new... ***Dragon Fate***.
***Ending 4/$endings: Dragonkin's Return***
(display:"Show Stats")
You politely refuse, saying you don't intend to stay and can't protect them from any lingering danger in the hills. The farmer and those who agree with him are angry, but other voices in town are relieved. Maybe someone else will tiptoe back in and find any other treasures that await without causing some disaster, just as you have done.
You wish the people well and set out on a new journey as a hardy dragonkin.
[[END #5: Dragonkin Wanderer]]
(set: $affinity to $affinity + 1)\
Well. You're alive, at least. Maybe you can put the wealth of this place to good use.
(display: "Alone in the Hoard")
(set: $affinity to $affinity - 1)\
Well. You're alive, at least. Maybe you can put the wealth of this place to good use.
(display: "Alone in the Hoard")
''Final Hoard''
You stand in the dragon's hoard, staring at the bones and blood upon the treasure. What will you do?
[[Leave|Leave the Hoard]]
[[Fill your pack with treasure!]]
(if:$piety>0)[ (if:$flag_pray_tolmarnar is 0)[ [[Pray for the dragon]] ] ]
(if:$lore>2)[ [[Search the cave]] ]
(if:$might>2)[ [[Take a dragon tooth as a souvenir]] ]
(if:$magic>2)[ (if:$treasure contains "Dragon Blood Vial")[](else:)[ [[Gather dragon blood from the coins]] ] ]
You feel so uncertain about this place that you step quiety back out through the massive gate. Why did you enter: just to satisfy your curiosity?
(display: "Tolmarnar's Gate")
(set:$treasure to $treasure + (a:"Dragon Hoard"))\
(set:$score to $score + 1000)\
You reach for the pile of treasure and begin to sort through it, deciding exactly what to take first. Diamonds? Gold? Finished jewelry? Possible magic items? It hardly seems to matter. You begin by scooping up a few assorted gems, adding some gold coins out of a sense that no right-minded adventurer would pass them up completely.
You are interrupted.
(display:"Tolmarnar, the Banked Flame")
(set:$flag_pray_tolmarnar to 1)\
(set:$piety to $piety + 1)
You bow your head and say a brief prayer for the dragon. As an intelligent creature, it deserves that much from someone prying into its grave.
(if:$flag_know_tolmarnar_name is 1)["May you find peace, Tolmarnar. (if:$flag_know_arinnya_name is 1)[Arinnya, too.]"]\
[[Alone in the Hoard]]
You walk around the pile of coins, hearing nothing but the echo of your own footsteps. Your $light guides you around the cave's walls until you spot a small opening, just a human-sized doorway. Beyond it is a sort of apartment with the remains of a bed and other furnishings. The style looks like the work of a dwarf grudgingly adding some non-right angles and decorative designs of flame and frost to a spare room.
Curious. There's nothing here to take, no dramatic ancient images to admire.
[[Alone in the Hoard]]
(set:$treasure to $treasure + (a:"Dragon Tooth"))\
(set:$score to $score + 300)\
You reach for the dragon's skull and begin to tap with your $weapon at one of its fangs. It comes loose and you put it away, admiring its wicked point. You begin considering what to take next.
You are interrupted.
(display:"Tolmarnar, the Banked Flame")
Dragon blood must be valuable in its own right as a magical reagent. You try to avoid disturbing the coins for the moment, out of a vague feeling of dread, but carefully scrape a little of the dried blood into a vial.
(set:$treasure to $treasure + (a:"Dragon Blood Vial"))(set:$score to $score + 100)\
[[Alone in the Hoard]]
(set:$flag_pray_arinnya to 1)\
(set:$piety to $piety + 1)
You bow your head and say a brief prayer for the woman entombed here. (if: $flag_know_arinnya_name is 1)["May you find peace, Arinnya."]
[[Arinnya's Crypt]]
(set:$flag_pray_grandhall to 1)\
(set:$piety to $piety + 1)\
You bow your head and say a brief prayer for the many people who died fighting to defend their homes, and even for the invaders. Who's to say who had the right of it so long ago? At least you were here to bear witness to the aftermath.
[[Grand Hall]]
(set:$flag_pray_upperchamber to 1)\
(set:$piety to $piety + 1)\
You bow your head and say a brief prayer for the lost traveler whose remains lie here.
[[Upper Chamber]]
<!-- Eggs! -->\
You sit back against the altar, mindful of your tail. That's good timing, because that feeling of fullness returns, more strongly. It's as though you'd swallowed a lot of berries that now sit there in a pile in your gut. Your stomach rumbles. Then it bulges out against your shirt. More like a bowl of whole apples! You stare at the swell of fat... no. Gingerly you press both hands against your belly. It's warm and firm, not fat at all. Just full.
And growing still. You struggle to take off your top, then marvel at the weight in front of you that feels like a basket of smooth rocks and makes you look like some mother-to-be, full to term //with wonderful, beautiful eggs...//
Your eyes widen as that stray thought reaches you. You feel over your curved, //beautiful// heavy belly, frightened yet feeling a crazy sense of... pride? The draconic idol beside you smiles, cradling her own swollen middle.
You stand up, unsteady as the changes finally cease. You are pregnant with a clutch of //perfect// dragon eggs! You raise your $weapon and test whether you can still fight, but you can't fool yourself for long. Maybe you could at least keep searching for treasure even though //you've got the best treasure of all//. You shake your head, torn between anger at whoever put such an enchantment on the idol and tears at not knowing what'll happen to you//r eggs//. Maybe there's a way to break this spell //but you need to take care of them//. You stand there, realizing that you're rubbing your belly, and admit to yourself that it's time to end your adventure and go somewhere safe. Time to waddle back up to the surface as well as you can. To go find a //nice nest//.
[[Now what?|To ENDGAME: Eggs]]
You start running. The red dragon rears up on solidifying hind legs and looms over you, but you focus on the path ahead instead of what's behind you. If you can just get through the door before it closes... There, you made it!
*WHAM.* You've come to hate that sound. The door gets caught by something you don't want to look back at. You hurry through the glass doors, to the bath-house. Why is the far door taking so long? Crazily you fling a heap of towels back the way you came, as though that will help slow the dragon's pursuit. It //is// chasing you, right?
You're through the far glass doors and onto the sweltering magma bridge when the bath doors shatter and the dragon roars too close behind you.
[[RUN|Keep Running]]
You raise your $weapon (if:$treasure contains "Crystal Shield")[and your shining $shield_style shield], mustering all the courage you can. You're prepared to do battle in the dragon's hoard, atop his mountain of treasure.
You dodge a flicker of movement. Tolmarnar's tail crashes down where you'd been standing, sending up a spray of gold coins. His legs are still regenerating from the bones, but his head is already a mass of blood pouring into new, healing flesh, with burning eyes.
What will you do?
[[Might: Surprise the dragon by charging bravely to attack!|Round 1, Might]]
[[Magic: Defend yourself with magic shields and bolts of frost!|Round 1, Magic]]
[[Lore: Search for a weak point and strike!|Round 1, Lore]]
[[Affinity: "Listen to me! There's no need to fight!"|Round 1, Affinity]]
<!-- How the fight works if you attack: pick a stat. Do 1 damage if stat >= random(1,5). So if you have stat 5 you definitely hit. BUT, take a 2-point penalty if you use the same stat as before. (Variable "last_move".) Then, Tolmarnar has a chance to hurt you, randomly. If you lose (see outcome page), you get the "In Distress" bad ending. Victory gets you the "Dragon Slayer" ending. If instead you persuaded him twice, you get one of the peaceful endings. -->
Through the galley, to the draconic depths, toward the underground river! The dragon's feet pound the wide stone hallways you've passed through.
Wide. You're at the river. Turning aside to hide in one of the narrow paths here would just mean being roasted. In fact, why hasn't --
*FWOOOSH!* Searing heat even more intense than the oven of the volcanic crater streams through the tunnels, making it hard to breathe. You plunge into the river, heedless of the rocks, and race back out soaking wet. You've avoided the dragon's fire breath, this time.
Up the long trails. Your legs ache with fatigue but you barely notice. There's got to be a better way out! But you can't think of one.
(if: $treasure contains "Dwarven Bomb")[ You have a short head start, and you're carrying that dwarven bomb. [[Bomb the tunnel behind you]]? ]
(if: $might>4)[ [[Run with all your might|END #8: The Dragon Unleashed]] ]\
(else:)[ [[RUN|Good With Ketchup (Death)]] ]
(set:$treasure to $treasure - (a:"Dwarven Bomb"))\
You gasp for breath as you reach the great hall. You throw down your backpack and with shaking hands, pull out the bomb. It's easy enough to activate. You toss the thing into the downward tunnel you'd only just unburied, hoping that it'll collapse further and stop the half-revived dragon from escaping. Then you grab your pack and start running again.
A few seconds later, the blast throws you off your feet. You skid face-first across the ancient stonework and land next to a grinning skeleton. You risk a glance back the way you came. The dragon roars from behind a huge pile of shattered rock that blocks the way below. The monster thumps against the rocks and dislodges a few, then threatens to smash aside the whole heap. But instead, that whole side of the ceiling falls in, raining still more tons of rubble onto the dragon's head. There's a terrible roar that shakes the whole hall.
Then, all is still. You stand and back away from the broken tunnel as though the dragon will burst through after all, but nothing happens. Even so, you get back up to the sunlight as quickly as your lungs and burning muscles will allow.
[[Escape at last|END #9: The Dragon Thwarted]]
You breathe raggedly as you sprint up to the great hall. Here the dragon has more room to move, and its wings become solid enough to thrash the air and lift the beast above you. The wave of pressure bearing down on you catches your attention.
But you know better than to turn and look. You race ahead to the tunnels upward, just in time for a blast of flame to incinerate long-ignored skeletons on the floor. You don't stop until you're outside and as hidden as you can possibly be atop a hill.
The mighty dragon bursts out from the cave entrance, shattering the stone outcropping above its lair. It flies up and roars, searing the ground with its breath. You cough and scuttle away through the grass, lucky to be alive. The monster roars again in frustration, then sets off toward the nearest target for its rage: the town below.
What have you done? You saved yourself, but at the cost of others suffering a terrible... ***Dragon Fate***.
***Ending #8/$endings: The Dragon Unleashed***
(display:"Show Stats")
You breathe raggedly as you sprint up to the great hall. Here the dragon has more room to move, and its wings become solid enough to thrash the air and lift the beast above you. The wave of pressure bearing down on you catches your attention.
You turn to look, and see the ancient red dragon loom majestically above you, giving you a final gift of witnessing his deadly flame.
Your adventure has ended.
(set:$health to 0)
(display: "Show Stats")
You flee until you stand outside in the cool air and open sky. It's a novelty after so long underground. Nothing chases you.
You head at last back toward the village to explain all that you've seen and done. (if:$species is "Dragonkin")[Your new scaly body in particular is going to be tricky to deal with, but you may as well make contact with the villagers who've met you instead of trying to spend the rest of your life as a hermit. And, hey...]
You're a dragonslayer after all! You saved the town from a terrible... ***Dragon Fate***.
***Ending #9/$endings: The Dragon Thwarted***
(display:"Show Stats")
Your life from now on will certainly be different, but not necessarily bad. You have a new outlook on life to explore, and new knowledge and skills. (if:$score>1000)[You also came away rich!] You've met with your own... ***Dragon Fate***.
***Ending 5/$endings: Dragonkin Wanderer***
(display:"Show Stats")
(set: $chosen_stat to "might")(set: $chosen_value to $might)\
Instead of running away, you shout and charge with your $weapon high!
(display: "Hero's Attack")
(if:$tolmarnar_wounded is 0)[But the dragon swats your attack aside, nearly taking your head off with it. You stagger back.]\
(else:)[Your aim is true, catching the dragon in one foreleg and gouging flesh that has only now flowed into existence.]
(display: "Tolmarnar's Attack")
(if:$hero_wounded is 0)[The foe swipes at you with powerful claws, but you leap aside just in time to avoid all but a tear in your armor.](else:)[The foe swipes at you with powerful claws. One of them barely nicks you across the chest, but at his size that means an inch-deep gash the length of your thumb.]
[[Tolmarnar Fight, Bath]]
(set: $chosen_stat to "magic")(set: $chosen_value to $magic)\
Instead of running away, you call out in a mystic chant and conjure shields of arcane energy, and bolts of frost!
(display: "Hero's Attack")
(if:$tolmarnar_wounded is 0)[But the dragon swats your attacks aside, nearly taking your head off. You stagger back.]\
(else:)[Your aim is true, catching the dragon in one foreleg and freezing flesh that has only now flowed into existence.]
(display: "Tolmarnar's Attack")
(if:$hero_wounded is 0)[The foe swipes at you with powerful claws, but you leap aside just in time to avoid all but a tear in your armor.](else:)[The foe swipes at you with powerful claws. One of them barely nicks you across the chest, but at his size that means an inch-deep gash the length of your thumb.]
[[Tolmarnar Fight, Bath]]
(set: $chosen_stat to "lore")(set: $chosen_value to $lore)\
Instead of running away, you study the enemy and try to calm your pounding heart. The dragon is still half-dead and rising back to life by some unknown power. Whatever's happening leaves much of its bone and sinew exposed. You dart forward between his forelegs, trying for a hit with your $weapon on vulnerable flesh still unprotected by regrowing scales.
(display: "Hero's Attack")
(if:$tolmarnar_wounded is 0)[But the dragon swats your attack aside, nearly taking your head off with it. You stagger back.]\
(else:)[Your aim is true, catching the dragon in one foreleg and gouging flesh that has only now flowed into existence.]
(display: "Tolmarnar's Attack")
(if:$hero_wounded is 0)[The foe swipes at you with powerful claws, but you leap aside just in time to avoid all but a tear in your armor.](else:)[The foe swipes at you with powerful claws. One of them barely nicks you across the chest, but at his size that means an inch-deep gash the length of your thumb.]
[[Tolmarnar Fight, Bath]]
(set: $chosen_stat to "affinity")(set: $chosen_value to $affinity)(if: $piety>1)[(set:$chosen_value to $chosen_value + 1)]\
You call out, "Listen to me! There's no need to fight!"
(display: "Hero's Mercy")
(if:$speech_success is 0)[But the dragon is too crazed with pain to listen to you. You're not sure his half-formed, crested ears can even hear you.]\
(else:)[Your words fall on half-formed, crested ears that might not be capable of hearing you yet. Something of your defiant posture and refusal to attack gives him brief pause.]
(display: "Tolmarnar's Attack")
(if:$hero_wounded is 0)[The foe swipes at you with powerful claws, but you leap aside just in time to avoid all but a tear in your armor.](else:)[The foe swipes at you with powerful claws. One of them barely nicks you across the chest, but at his size that means an inch-deep gash the length of your thumb.]
[[Tolmarnar Fight, Bath]]
The dragon thrashes, making it rain treasure. You throw yourself out of the way of his lunging foreclaws. Those long blades bash into the heavy door just as it's closing. In reaction, the door slams back up into the ceiling.
Another round of feints and dodging. You're driven back through the gateway, past the glass doors. Now you stand next to the heated, deep pool. The dragon is coming for you.
[[Might: Use the narrow tunnel to strike the dragon's head while it can't dodge!|Round 2, Might]]
[[Magic: Magically fling and freeze water to jab the foe with ice spikes!|Round 2, Magic]]
[[Lore: Lurk under the water for a surprise attack!|Round 2, Lore]]
[[Affinity: "Do you want to live in a ruin forever, with only the dead for company?"|Round 2, Affinity]]
(set: $chosen_stat to "might")(set: $chosen_value to $might)\
Tolmarnar has trouble fitting through the tunnel to the bath-house. He shatters the tempered glass doors on the way in. You use that moment to strike, braving the glass shards to aim at his head with your $weapon. (if: $treasure contains "Crystal Shield")[You use your $shield_style shield to fend off his snapping jaws.]
(display: "Hero's Attack")
(if:$tolmarnar_wounded is 0)[In the narrow entrance you have a brief advantage. You sweep forward and jab at his head, but a snort of smoke and steam from his nostrils drives you back.]\
(else:)[In the narrow entrance you have a brief advantage. You sweep forward and jab at his head. He tries to drive you back with a snort of smoke and steam from his nostrils, but you press forward and score a deep gash along the side of his muzzle, then pierce a hole in one wing!]
(display: "Tolmarnar's Attack")
(if:$hero_wounded is 0)[The cavern's master slaps a huge forefoot down to try to crush you, but you skirt the pool's edge and he strikes only water, splashing it up into his own face.](else:)[The cavern's master slaps a huge forefoot down to try to crush you. You topple into the pool and are just climbing out when one toe-claw comes down on your arm. Your vision blurs with pain; blood leaks out into the water and you might have broken a bone.]
[[Tolmarnar Fight, Magma Bridge]]
(set: $chosen_stat to "magic")(set: $chosen_value to $magic)\
Tolmarnar has trouble fitting through the tunnel to the bath-house. He shatters the tempered glass doors on the way in.
(display: "Hero's Attack")
(if:$tolmarnar_wounded is 0)[You stand behind the pool. When Tolmarnar bursts in with a spray of glass. You try to raise the water and counter with a rain of ice shards. But the glass knives come at you hard and it's all you can do to raise a wall of water to protect yourself from being shredded.]\
(else:)[You stand behind the pool. When Tolmarnar bursts in with a spray of glass. You shout and lift a ton of water from the pool, first to shield you from the flying knives and then to create an icy shard storm of your own. Dozens of frozen blades pierce the dragon's half-formed hide and boil away.]
(display: "Tolmarnar's Attack")
(if:$hero_wounded is 0)[The cavern's master slaps a huge forefoot down to try to crush you, but you skirt the pool's edge and he strikes only water, splashing it up into his own face.](else:)[The cavern's master slaps a huge forefoot down to try to crush you. You topple into the pool and are just climbing out when one toe-claw comes down on your arm. Your vision blurs with pain; blood leaks out into the water and you might have broken a bone.]
[[Tolmarnar Fight, Magma Bridge]]
(set: $chosen_stat to "lore")(set: $chosen_value to $lore)\
Tolmarnar has trouble fitting through the tunnel to the bath-house. He shatters the tempered glass doors on the way in.
(display: "Hero's Attack")
(if:$tolmarnar_wounded is 0)[You hold your breath and dive into the water. When Tolmarnar bursts in and looks around for you, you see he's about to crawl through the pool to keep chasing you. You might be crushed! You're forced to scramble out of one side of the water, barely avoiding a swipe of his tail.]\
(else:)[You hold your breath and dive into the water. When Tolmarnar bursts in and looks around for you, you see he's about to crawl through the pool to keep chasing you. You might be crushed! You squeeze into the safest-looking spot. When he slides in, you stab upward repeatedly and score savage gashes along his belly. He thrashes, forcing you to scramble out of the water to one side. You barely avoid a swipe of his tail.]
(display: "Tolmarnar's Attack")
(if:$hero_wounded is 0)[The cavern's master slaps a huge forefoot down to try to crush you, but you skirt the pool's edge and he strikes only water, splashing it up into his own face.](else:)[The cavern's master slaps a huge forefoot down to try to crush you. You topple into the pool and are just climbing out when one toe-claw comes down on your arm. Your vision blurs with pain; blood leaks out into the water and you might have broken a bone.]
[[Tolmarnar Fight, Magma Bridge]]
(set: $chosen_stat to "affinity")\
Tolmarnar has trouble fitting through the tunnel to the bath-house. He shatters the tempered glass doors on the way in.
"Do you want to live in a ruin forever," you shout, "with only the dead for company?"
(display: "Hero's Mercy")
(if:$speech_success is 0)[In response Tolmarnar roars, seemingly happy to add you to those numbered among the dead.]\
(else:)[He roars, shaking the room. In watching you dodge and dart around the bath chamber his eyes glance at the peaceful things he'd left behind.]\
(if: $tolmarnar_persuaded > 0)[ Maybe you're getting through to him.]<!-- Show this if you talked well in round 1 and/or 2. -->
(display: "Tolmarnar's Attack")
(if:$hero_wounded is 0)[The cavern's master slaps a huge forefoot down to try to crush you, but you skirt the pool's edge and he strikes only water, splashing it up into his own face.](else:)[The cavern's master slaps a huge forefoot down to try to crush you. You topple into the pool and are just climbing out when one toe-claw comes down on your arm. Your vision blurs with pain; blood leaks out into the water and you might have broken a bone.]
[[Tolmarnar Fight, Magma Bridge]]
The dragon crashes into the water, soaking you, and snaps its jaws at your head. For an instant you see nothing but teeth. (if: $tolmarnar_health < 3)[The wounded dragon's blood steams as it drips into the water.]
You retreat through the other glass doors. The crater's deadly heat assails you again. You protect yourself as before, aided by your wet clothes.
Tolmarnar's body has fully regrown (if:$tolmarnar_health < 3)[aside from his new wounds] and he follows more carefully through the bath doors. His gleaming red eyes pierce you to the soul. "Mortal! How are you even alive in this place?!"
He laughs bitterly, and flames shine along the corners of his vast jaws.
[[Might: Just a little more. Charge!|Round 3, Might]]
[[Magic: Turn the magic of this crater against him; even he can't endure a direct magma blast!|Round 3, Magic]]
[[Lore: He has no room to evade you here. Leap onto him and aim for the head!|Round 3, Lore]]
(if:$flag_know_arinnya_name is 1)[ [["Your enemies are gone. In Arinnya's name, stop fighting and listen!"|Round 3, Affinity]] ](else:)[ [[Affinity: "Do you even understand that your enemies are gone? Stop and listen to me!"|Round 3, Affinity]] ]
<!--For storytelling purposes, T goes first this round.-->\
(set: $chosen_stat to "might")(set: $chosen_value to $might)\
Even in this bubbling cavern with constantly churning magma, the dragon's roar is loud.
(display: "Tolmarnar's Attack")
(if:$hero_wounded is 0)[\
He snatches a loose chunk of rock the size of your head and hurls it at you like a catapult. The impact strikes the middle of the bridge, threatening to collapse it and kill you both. But the stonework holds, and instead a spray of jagged obsidian fragments shoot up from the surface. You duck. (if: $treasure contains "Crystal Shield")[You raise your $shield_style shield just in time to block something that makes the whole shield ring like a bell.] \
(else:)[He snatches a loose chunk of rock the size of your head and hurls it at you like a catapult. The impact strikes the middle of the bridge, threatening to collapse it and kill you both. But the stonework holds, and instead a spray of jagged obsidian fragments shoot up from the surface. These strike you like glass razors.] (if:$health<1)[You can barely stand.]
You made a final, desperate charge at the dragon, kicking off from the stone bridge to make a leaping strike with your $weapon.
(display: "Hero's Attack")
(if:$tolmarnar_wounded is 0)[He seems to flatly disbelieve you're still alive. He takes a step back and holds up one foreleg defensively, fending off your blow. You're driven back clutching your arm from the pain of his parrying strike. He looms over you, and you struggle to stand...]\
(else:)[He seems to flatly disbelieve you're still alive. He takes a step back and holds up one foreleg defensively, but you persevere, driving forward and piercing his scales deeply. He looms over you, dripping sizzling blood, and you struggle to stand...]
[[The End?|Tolmarnar Fight, Outcome]]
<!--For storytelling purposes, T goes first this round.-->\
(set: $chosen_stat to "magic")(set: $chosen_value to $magic)\
Even in this bubbling cavern with constantly churning magma, the dragon's roar is loud.
(display: "Tolmarnar's Attack")
(if:$hero_wounded is 0)[\
He snatches a loose chunk of rock the size of your head and hurls it at you like a catapult. The impact strikes the middle of the bridge, threatening to collapse it and kill you both. But the stonework holds, and instead a spray of jagged obsidian fragments shoot up from the surface. You duck. (if: $treasure contains "Crystal Shield")[You raise your $shield_style shield just in time to block something that makes the whole shield ring like a bell.] \
(else:)[He snatches a loose chunk of rock the size of your head and hurls it at you like a catapult. The impact strikes the middle of the bridge, threatening to collapse it and kill you both. But the stonework holds, and instead a spray of jagged obsidian fragments shoot up from the surface. These strike you like glass razors.] (if:$health<1)[You can barely stand.]
(display: "Hero's Attack")
(if:$tolmarnar_wounded is 0)[He seems stunned that you're still alive. You spread your arms and raise them, calling upon all your magical power to lift magma up from the crater below and hurl it at him. That's the plan, anyway. Twin columns of molten rock rise all the way from the pits and hang there at your command, but your arms tremble as though you were lifting the tons yourself. Gasping, you lose your hold and the magma collapses to where it belongs. He looms over you, and you struggle to stand...]\
(else:)[He seems stunned that you're still alive. You spread your arms and raise them, calling upon all your magical power to lift magma up from the crater below and hurl it at him. That's the plan, anyway. Twin columns of molten rock rise all the way from the pits and hang there at your command, but your arms tremble as though you were lifting the tons yourself. Gasping, you make one final effort and fling your arms forward. The magma streams fly up and come crashing down on Tolmarnar, catching him in the wings and body. Even his heat resistance isn't enough in his newly remade state. He suffers terrible burns and you see patches of cauterized muscle and even bone when the flow slides off of him. He looms over you, and you struggle to stand...]
[[The End?|Tolmarnar Fight, Outcome]]
<!--For storytelling purposes, T goes first this round.-->\
(set: $chosen_stat to "lore")(set: $chosen_value to $lore)\
Even in this bubbling cavern with constantly churning magma, the dragon's roar is loud.
(display: "Tolmarnar's Attack")
(if:$hero_wounded is 0)[\
He snatches a loose chunk of rock the size of your head and hurls it at you like a catapult. The impact strikes the middle of the bridge, threatening to collapse it and kill you both. But the stonework holds, and instead a spray of jagged obsidian fragments shoot up from the surface. You duck. (if: $treasure contains "Crystal Shield")[You raise your $shield_style shield just in time to block something that makes the whole shield ring like a bell.] \
(else:)[He snatches a loose chunk of rock the size of your head and hurls it at you like a catapult. The impact strikes the middle of the bridge, threatening to collapse it and kill you both. But the stonework holds, and instead a spray of jagged obsidian fragments shoot up from the surface. These strike you like glass razors.] (if:$health<1)[You can barely stand.]
(display: "Hero's Attack")
(if:$tolmarnar_wounded is 0)[He seems amazed that you're still alive. You take his moment of hesitation as a chance to strike. You run forward, diving under a swipe of his claws, and leap onto the dragon's neck. You try to hang onto one of his horns and ready your $weapon, but he swings his head and it's all you can do to keep from flying off into the magma pit. He does throw you off a few seconds later. You crash onto the hot stone bridge and skid, holding your arms out for protection. He looms over you, and you struggle to stand...]\
(else:)[He seems amazed that you're still alive. You take his moment of hesitation as a chance to strike. You run forward, diving under a swipe of his claws, and leap onto the dragon's neck. You try to hang onto one of his horns and ready your $weapon, but he swings his head and it's all you can do to keep from flying off into the magma pit.
Your only chance is to let go the moment he stills, to free both your hands. You raise your $weapon once more, and pierce the dragon's neck! He shrieks and throws you off at last. You crash onto the hot stone bridge and skid, holding your arms out for protection. He looms over you, dripping sizzling blood from his neck, and you struggle to stand...]
[[The End?|Tolmarnar Fight, Outcome]]
<!--For storytelling purposes, T goes first this round.-->
(set: $chosen_stat to "affinity")\
Even in this bubbling cavern with constantly churning magma, the dragon's roar is loud.
(display: "Tolmarnar's Attack")
(if:$hero_wounded is 0)[\
He snatches a loose chunk of rock the size of your head and hurls it at you like a catapult. The impact strikes the middle of the bridge, threatening to collapse it and kill you both. But the stonework holds, and instead a spray of jagged obsidian fragments shoot up from the surface. You duck. (if: $treasure contains "Crystal Shield")[You raise your $shield_style shield just in time to block something that makes the whole shield ring like a bell.] \
(else:)[He snatches a loose chunk of rock the size of your head and hurls it at you like a catapult. The impact strikes the middle of the bridge, threatening to collapse it and kill you both. But the stonework holds, and instead a spray of jagged obsidian fragments shoot up from the surface. These strike you like glass razors.] (if:$health<1)[You can barely stand.]
You shout at Tolmarnar to stop trying to kill you for one minute and hear what you have to say.
(display: "Hero's Mercy")
(if:$speech_success is 0)[After all this fighting, he hardly seems willing to listen. But you've done all you can. Will it be enough to make this monster see reason? He looms over you, and you struggle to stand...]\
(else:)[He's furious and in pain, but your words make him scowl instead of simply trying again to kill you. Is he opening his mouth to speak, or to breathe fire? He looms over you, and you struggle to stand...]\
[[The End?|Tolmarnar Fight, Outcome]]
<!-- Pretty self-explanatory. If you hit him three times he dies; else-if you persuaded him twice you talk; else-if he has less health than you he dies; else you're gonna have a bad time. Note that you can't actually die in this fight. -->\
(if: $tolmarnar_health is 0)[\
(display: "Tolmarnar's Death")\
(else-if: $tolmarnar_persuaded > 1)[\
(display: "Tolmarnar's Heart Calms")\
(if: $tolmarnar_health < $health)[ (display: "Tolmarnar's Death") ]
(else:)[ (display: "Damsel") ]
''Tolmarnar's Death''
The dragon bleeds and staggers, raising his head. He tries to blast you with flame, but only a flicker reaches you, not enough to hurt you worse than you already are. You can barely lift your $weapon in any case. You strike the bravest pose you can, filled with determination by the sight of the wounds you've already inflicted. You can do this.
Tolmarnar takes a halting step toward you. You feint (hardly able to do more) and he pulls back as though afraid. He stumbles on the stone bridge. Though the stonework has magic to help keep people from falling off, it's not made for the full weight of a wounded dragon. He loses his grip and utters a cry of terror, cracking bits of the bridge as his mighty claws flail for purchase.
He falls sideways, seemingly slowly, and your eyes go wide at what's about to happen. You throw yourself forward to lie flat on the burning-hot bridge and cover your head. The dragon //splashes//. A wall of magma shoots up all around you and makes you feel that you're sinking into hell. Droplets sizzle everywhere. You peek over one side of the bridge and see the dragon roar one last time and sink forever beneath the molten rock.
[[END #10: Dragon Slayer]]
You press one hand against the bridge to climb back up to your feet. You glance worriedly at the crack on the bridge from the boulder impact and Tolmarnar's claws, but this is dwarven work, made for a dragon. It endures. So have you.
You retreat to the bath-house to escape the heat and tend to your wounds. (if:$health<1)[(set:$health to 1)] Will the villagers even believe what you've done? After you bind your wounds you get up and try getting back into the dragon's final hoard again. The door opens for you, giving you access to more treasure than you can carry. You'll have to come back for most of it later. The townsfolk will be happy to help, you're sure.
(set: $treasure to $treasure + (a:"Tolmarnar's Hoard"))\
(set:$score to $score + 10000)\
In fact, why shouldn't you claim this place as your own? You haven't even excavated some of the old passageways yet. Your newfound wealth and certain fame are enough to make you the ruler of a small underground kingdom. Or you could just buy an island estate somewhere.
You can decide exactly what to do later, once you've recovered enough to walk out of here with your first several dozen pounds of gold, gems and magic trinkets. You are a dragon slayer, and you will decide on your own... ***Dragon Fate***.
***Ending #10/14: Dragon Slayer***
(display: "Show Stats")
''Tolmarnar's Heart Calms''
"I don't understand!" says Tolmarnar, as flames lick along the edges of his muzzle. "$species, why do you come here armed as a $class, yet talk instead of fighting? Is it because you know battle is hopeless against me?"
You shake your head. "Hopeless for me, maybe, but pointless for you! This place has seen so much destruction. Why must you add to it with another death, when you were dead yourself until I arrived?"
The dragon pauses, and blinks. "I was //dead//?"
You tell him what you saw of his sudden revival from a forgotten heap of bones. You point out that he was half dead even while trying to kill you.
Tolmarnar says, "I remember that I flew out in a rage of battle, then returned to my home, grieving and wounded. Perhaps I was worse off than I knew."
"There was a lot of blood on your treasure pile. But how would you have revived?"
"I... I don't know, $species."
You look each other over warily for a moment. The oppressive heat of the volcanic crater and the sweat of battle threaten to overwhelm you, though you try to keep a brave stance.
At last, Tolmarnar's head jerks toward the route back to his lair. "Perhaps it's not worth slaying you today. Will you join me in the baths, to rest and speak where you won't roast?"
It's a unique offer, and hard to refuse.
[[Speaking With Tolmarnar]]
(if: $flag_talking_with_tolmarnar is 0)[\
(set: $flag_talking_with_tolmarnar to 1)\
$species and dragon retire to the bath-house beyond the magma bridge. Tolmarnar slides into the water, nearly filling it to the brim with his bulk. (if:$tolmarnar_health < 3)[His wounds leak hot blood into the water, but the circulating bath slowly spirals it away. (if:$health<3)[Your own wounds mingle your blood with his.]]
"It has been, I think, a long time since I shared this room."
The two of you share an uneasy truce in the water.
(if:$flag_tol_sorry is 0)[ [["I'm sorry we had to fight."]] ]
(if:$flag_tol_what is 0)[ [["There was a city here once, wasn't there? What happened?"]] ]
(if:$flag_tol_amazing is 0)[ [["You're amazing."]] ]
(if:$flag_tol_arrinya is 0)[ (if: $flag_know_arinnya_name is 1)[ [["Who was Arinnya?"]] ] ]
[["That's all I want to ask for the moment. What now?"|"What now?"]]
(set: $flag_tol_sorry to 1)
"I am sorry as well, $species. I hardly understood what I was doing, beyond that there was an intruder and I was still thinking of my last battle." He glances pointedly at your pack. "If I was dead when you took treasures from my home, you did not technically steal from me. I am then not obligated to kill you."
You shudder.
Tolmarnar says, "I was not myself. I attacked in blind rage. For that I make a gift of whatever you've taken."
(if: $species is "Dragonkin")[\
He adds, "How is it that you are dragonkin? I thought all were killed."
You explain about the armor.
"So, it worked after all. A different approach to creating your kind than the... more intimate method my people invented using an idol."
[[Speaking With Tolmarnar]]
(set: $flag_tol_what to 1)\
He sighs, emitting wisps of flame. "For me it was not so long ago, due to both my... absence and how my kind reckons. I terrorized the land in my youth, extorting tribute and abusing the small people. Over time, I unintentionally created stability around my early lair, simply because no one wanted to invade the land cursed by a dragon's presence. And then, the people began coming to me with their problems, to beg for my help.
"So, I hoarded power as well as wealth. Dwarves came to me to propose mining. They had a silly old legend about a dragon driving them out of a great underground fortress, and thought they would instead partner with me for wealth and strength and protection. I and my followers built a new lair around a natural cave system. We grew rich together and many humans came to live in and around the caves.
"And then, a 'hero' callled Garrick Scalebane declared war on my domain. I suppose you've seen the result."
[[Tell him about Garrick's Boon]]
(set:$flag_tol_amazing to 1)\
The dragon gives a booming laugh. "Not worship, not cowering, but a simple compliment? You are too entertaining to kill!"
(if:$might > 3)[\
"You personally carved a lot of the cavern, didn't you?"
"Indeed, my claws and magic and breath did some of the work. The craftsmanship of man and dwarf, and the original cave that nature provided, did more than me, though. Don't think quite that highly of my strength."
(if:$magic > 3)[
"Your people's magic made the underground liveable."
"There were farms here," Tolmarnar says with a wistful note, "and a garden."
"The garden still lives," you say. He looks pleased.
(if:$lore > 3)[
"There must be centuries of legends the outside world has forgotten."
Tolmarnar speaks to you of ancient things, of a kingdom lost to time. You yearn to hear more.
(if: $shield_style is "beefy-armed dragon")[He glances at your $shield_style shield. "Please tell me I'm in better shape than that."]
[[Speaking With Tolmarnar]]
He looks pained by your question. "A wrathful human. A frustrating human. An intriguing human. A dear friend and to my eternal surprise, a patient and kind lover. We met when she broke into my lair, magic staff in hand, and announced that my evil would end this day."
"By that point I hadn't killed anyone in years. I showed her more of the place, and we patched up the guards she'd pummeled with shards of magic ice on the way in."
[[Speaking With Tolmarnar]]
"Now," he says, "I find myself in command of an empty city, its halls empty and silent. My hoard included //people// and not just gold. There is little for me to do here."
"Could you rebuild?"
He looks somewhere far away for a while. "It might be for the best."
(if: $species is "Dragonkin")[ [["I could help you."|END #14: Dragon Knight]] ]
[["You're alone now, aren't you?"|Alone]]
Tolmarnar roars in triumph as you sink to your knees, exhausted and bloodied. You can hardly breathe in the intense heat of the crater.
"You wish to be the mighty hero, slaying the evil dragon?" he says. "I don't like that story. Instead you shall play a different role." He raises his forelimbs and conjures a blast of shimmering magic you're too slow to dodge. It sends you flying, crashing onto your back. He looms over you and watches the energy sink into your skin, chilling you. Your only solace is that you're not so overheated now.
(if: $species is "Dragonkin")[Your scales flake away and your tail rapidly shrinks, confusing you. You're becoming human again! (set:$species to "Human")]\
(if: $sex is "male")[\
Your breath comes in frightened gasps. You feel your chest growing heavier and glance down at it to find a swelling pair of mounds there. You're growing breasts! It feels as though someone is kneading all around your waist now, pulling things into you, sculpting your hips like clay into soft curves.
Tolmarnar leers as he observes. "Yes, that's good. What is a storybook dragon hoard without a damsel waiting for a knight to rescue her?"
"D-damsel?" you say. You shake your head, trying to muster the strength to stand. Amazingly, you do.
The dragon seems unconcerned. "Of course. Not some brawny hero or a master of wizardry, but someone beautiful. Dainty."
You raise your $weapon to fight back, but it feels heavy in your hands. Your arms have grown slender, your fingers soft and clean. //It's not proper for a lady to threaten someone with a $weapon!//
His smile grows. "I see the spell taking hold."
You take a few steps backward, needing to get someplace safe. Your armor thins out, becoming first cloth and then fine, embroidered silk. You can escape, regroup, //come back with an escort!// Armed guards, enough to overpower the dragon. A knight to //sweep you off your feet//.
"Well, my captive damsel? Shall I show you to your new quarters while we wait for your rescuer?"
You gather the hem of your dress in your hands, worried.
[[END #13: In Distress]]
(set: $class to "beautiful maiden")\
You need to get away from here. Have to fight off this spell //like a proper lady//!
The dragon picks you up with surprising gentleness, carries you to a little apartment carved into one side of his hoard, and pats you on the head.
Life in the depths of the caves is dreary. You don't have the stamina to travel far, nor to cross the bridge on your own. Your captor occasionally shields you long enough to let you visit the garden by the sunken river. You spend the hours braiding gems and flowers into your hair and reading ancient books he helps to restore. The old poetry and romances make you blush.
(if: $sex is "male")[\
(set: $sex to "female")\
You dream often of a handsome knight who will rescue you one day, carry you in his arms, and take you away from here to his bedchambers.
You're powerless to escape. You are no hero, but a damsel in distress. Your fate is no longer your own, but has become a... ***Dragon Fate***.
***Ending #13/$endings: In Distress***
(display: "Show Stats")
<!-- Dragon's attack -->\
(set: $x to (random: 1,2))\
(if: $x is 1)[ (set: $hero_wounded to 1) ]\
//Tolmarnar's Action: rolled $x to get < 2. (if:$hero_wounded is 1)[$wound](else:)[Missed!]//
"Hmm." He shuts his eyes for a long time. "I would return to the old days, if I could, but the people who once trusted me are gone. I failed to protect them, in the end."
"But you've been given another chance," you say.
"I don't understand how or why. But yes, if I live again, why not try to rebuild?"
You tell him of the people living outside, who would be eager for access to his wealth and magic if he doesn't attack them.
"I'm not so sure of that. They'd want my gold, certainly. But serving as their protector? Persuading them could be difficult." He looks you over again. "If you want to help me, then go to them. Tell them what happened here, and that I wish to meet them if they dare to visit. We can of course arrange to meet beyond the bridge."
You wince at a memory. "There are still the bones in the grand hall..."
Tolmarnar looks pained. "Indeed. But let them lay untouched until the villagers have seen them. Let them know I can't promise that their safety with me is certain."
You ask, "How will I persuade them?"
"You stood up to an angry dragon. You'll think of something, $species."
And so, you have a new job, serving the revived dragon in his quest to rebuild his kingdom. The people of the village are frightened when you first emerge from the lair, loaded with treasure and telling a strange tale that only the oldest have even heard rumors of. As Tolmarnar's agent you talk the leaders into visiting him, and win their trust and his. There is wealth, power, magic and ancient lore for all.
As the dragon's right hand, his appointed knight, you begin a lifelong adventure of helping this land find a happy new... ***Dragon Fate***.
***Ending #14/$endings: Dragon Knight***
(display: "Show Stats")
<!-- Setup -->\
(set: $hero_wounded to 0)(set: $tolmarnar_wounded to 0)\
<!-- Hero's attack -->\
(if: $chosen_stat is $last_stat)[ (set: $chosen_value to $chosen_value - 2) //The dragon is prepared for your tactics this time. ($chosen_stat at -2.)// ]\
(set: $last_stat to $chosen_stat)\
(set: $x to (random: 1,5))\
(if: $x <= $chosen_value)[ (set: $tolmarnar_wounded to 1)(set: $tolmarnar_health to $tolmarnar_health - 1) ]\
//Your Action: rolled $x to get <= your $chosen_stat. (if:$tolmarnar_wounded is 1)[Hit!](else:)[Missed!]//
<!-- Setup -->\
(set: $hero_wounded to 0)(set: $speech_success to 0)\
<!-- Hero's attempt to talk -->\
(set: $power to $affinity)(if: $piety > 1)[(set: $power to $power + 1)]\
(set: $last_stat to "affinity")<!-- Counts as not re-using the same moves. -->\
(set: $x to (random: 1,5))\
(if: $x <= $power)[ (set: $speech_success to 1)(set: $tolmarnar_persuaded to $tolmarnar_persuaded + 1) ]\
//Your Action: rolled $x to get <= your $chosen_stat. (if:$speech_success is 1)[Success!](else:)[Failure!]//
You mention the name of the town nearby. He scowls, saying, "He was likely granted dominion over these lands. Who lives there now?"
"An inoffensive town that doesn't know anything of the history. Farmers, alchemists. There's no need to fight them."
Tolmarnar sighs. "I suppose."
[[Speaking With Tolmarnar]]
He says, "Who rules these lands now?"
You say there's a set of nobles who don't seem to know anything of the history of this place. "The local people are farmers and alchemists. There's no need to fight them, even if you want to fight their rulers."
Tolmarnar sighs. "I suppose."
[[Speaking With Tolmarnar]]
(if: $sex is "male")[\
The dragon looks you over as you relax in the water. "You remind me a little of //her//. Armed and dangerous and invading my home. She was special." He takes a deep breath. "I have been what I am for a very long time, and this is a new life. I have been given a second chance. I would be interested in casting a particular spell, and becoming one of the blue-scaled. For you."
You think of what art you've seen here. "Aren't the blue dragons the female ones?"
"Indeed. For someone as brave and resourceful as you, it's worth doing. In return, I believe I can give you some of the power of a dragon, and gradually make you much as I am now." He looks his tattered clothes over ruefully. "In better condition. Will you accept, and be more than my friend?"
(set:$flag_offered_stay_male to 1)\
(if: $treasure contains "Frost Pendant")[\
You consider the startling offer. Then, a soft glow comes from the backpack laying singed and battered in a corner. You reluctantly climb out of the water to investigate. The sapphire pendant you found in this room shimmers as you pick it up.
The dragon-human gapes. "Arinnya's Frost Pendant reacts to you? To //you//?"
"What does it mean?"
He looks at it, and at you. "It... it may not look like much, but it contains power akin to the difference between a human soul, and a dragon. A female dragon."
You drop the necklace and it clinks against the tiles. "Why would it glow?"
"It seems its power is a natural fit for you. If you were to wear it..."
"A female dragon," you say, gulping.
"If you wore it, and I showed you how to activate it, then yes. It would take a long time for your draconic form to be my size, but it would happen. In that case you... You would make a wonderful dragoness."
[[Smile and take his hand. "I'll use the pendant and become your queen."|Dragon Lady, TGed]]
The dragon looks you over as you relax in the water. "You remind me of //her//. Armed and dangerous and invading my home. She was special." He takes a deep breath. "Lady. Would you like to stay here, with me? Not as some damsel in distress, but..."
You have never seen a dragon blush before.
(set:$flag_offered_stay_female to 1)\
(if: $treasure contains "Flame Pendant")[\
You consider the startling offer. Then, a soft glow comes from the backpack laying singed and battered in a corner. You reluctantly climb out of the water to investigate. The ruby pendant you found in this room shimmers as you pick it up.
The dragon-human gapes. "My Flame Pendant reacts to you? To //you//?"
"What does it mean?"
He looks at it, and at you. "It... it may not look like much, but it contains power akin to the difference between a human soul, and a dragon. A male dragon."
You drop the necklace and it clinks against the tiles. "Why would it glow?"
"It seems its power is a natural fit for you. If you were to wear it..."
"A male dragon," you say, gulping.
"If you wore it, and I showed you how to activate it, then yes. It would take a long time for your draconic form to be like mine, but it would happen. In that case I... I have been one for a very long time. I would cast a certain powerful spell on myself and become one of the blue-scaled."
He sounds at ease with that concept. "You would become a female dragon, for me?"
He looks down into the water. "This is a new life for me. I am willing to make it truly different, for one as brave and resourceful as you." He looks up into your eyes. "Will you be more than a friend to me?"
[[Put the pendant on, and take his hand. "I'll use the pendant and become your king."|Dragon Lord, TGed]]
(if:$flag_offered_stay_male is 1)[ [[Smile and take his hand. "I'll gladly accept you as my queen."|END #11: Dragon Lord]] ]
(if:$flag_offered_stay_female is 1)[ [[Smile and take his hand. "I'll gladly accept you as my king."|END #12: Dragon Lady]] ]
[[Uneasy about this turn of the conversation, say instead, "I would like to help you rebuild."|END #14: Dragon Knight]]
(set: $treasure to $treasure + (a:"Tolmarnar's Love"))(set: $score to $score + 11000)\
Later, Tolmarnar stands with you in the shrine, in human form.
"I thought the people prayed to you," you say.
"No, no. This was a shrine to my people's ideals. There will be plenty of time to explain." He looks nervous.
"I'll be with you for this."
He nods, and casts a complex spell on himself. A wind swirls his clothes around him. The whole room shines. In a flash, Tolmarnar stands before you, transformed. His red clothes have become a long, scale-patterned blue dress, filled out with the body of a tall, shapely woman. He, or rather she, looks herself over and shudders. "This human body feels so frail!"
"It isn't," you say. She's no wispy damsel, but instead has powerful muscles beneath that rippling sapphire outfit. And, you're sure, a dragon's willpower. "Your clothes reflect your power, you said. They look more intact already." (if: $genderbent_ftm is 1)[You blush deeply at your own words and how beautiful she seems to you. This change is going to be a very different adventure than you expected.]
"They do. You're right." Tolmarnar hesitates, then steps toward you and offers you her hand. Her nails are long and a little frightening. "Let's go somewhere more open. I want to see my true form."
You escort her by the hand, passing the great hall out of respect. In the depths of Tolmarnar's hoard, she becomes a magnificent blue dragon breathing clouds of chilly fog.
"Well, my... my lord," she says. "Do either of my forms please you?"
They do, and you have a long and wonderful reign as king ahead. This is, for you and Tolmarnar and many others, a happy... ***Dragon Fate***.
***Ending #11/$endings: Dragon Lord***
(display: "Show Stats")
You slip the frost-colored pendant on. It's cold against your skin. Tolmarnar says, "Now, repeat these words..." He tells you a string of syllables in an ancient draconic tongue.
You say them, and the pendant's magic activates fully. You feel you're freezing, and rising from the floor. "Don't worry!" he calls out. Easy for him to say!
You float there for some time, seeing ice in the corners of your vision, but it cools you pleasantly instead of freezing you. Your flesh ripples and reshapes. Most of all, though, you sense //memories//. Not yours, but glimpses of caverns larger than anything you'd believe could really exist. Wings spreading across the stars. Battles in the darkness against nameless forces that aim to tear reality apart, to devour the souls of all life. A shelter in the sky, a crash, a titanic explosion, burning, freezing, survivors struggling to hold onto what they are and the shadow of what they once were.
You fall to the floor, gasping. "What? What was that?" Your voice rings unnaturally high.
Tolmarnar helps you up. He's taller than before... or rather, you've grown smaller. You feel stronger, though, already with a little of the might he promised. He says, "Fragments of dragons' past, and of our power. This is your inheritance now. In time you'll learn how to use it."
Your clothes have burned away and transformed, becoming bright cyan and deep blue. You stare down at your heavy, bouncing chest. You're going to be a dragon's wife!
He smiles. "I suppose I'll get used to seeing you like this. Is the shrine intact after so long?"
"Then come with me."
(set: $genderbent_mtf to 1)\
[[END #12: Dragon Lady]]
(set: $treasure to $treasure + (a:"Tolmarnar's Love"))(set: $score to $score + 11000)\
Later, Tolmarnar stands with you in the shrine, in human form.
"I thought the people prayed to you," you say.
"No, no. This was a shrine to my people's ideals. There will be plenty of time to explain." He looks nervous. "Are you sure?"
You nod, worried for the future too. "What should I do?"
Tolmarnar sinks to one knee, a dragon humbling himself to a human. "Will you do me the honor of becoming queen of my realm?"
In response, you pull him up to his feet again, and kiss him. Then you grin. "Your lips are spicy."
He gives a laugh unburdened by centuries of death and ruin. "Enough with ceremony," he says, and picks you up to carry you in his arms. "Oof. This human form is frail."
"Your clothes look more intact already. That's good, isn't it?"
He looks adoringly down at you. "It is. Well, adventurer, are you satisfied with what you've found here? I can suggest a comfortable pile of coins." He sees your wince. "Ah well, once you've got scales... Until then, let us repair my former wife's bedchambers. I think she would have approved of you."
"I hope so, my lord." (if: $genderbent_mtf is 1)[You blush deeply at your own words. This change is going to be a very different adventure than you expected.]
"My first follower of this new life," he says, and carries you away to a wonderful reign as his queen. This is, for you and Tolmarnar and many others, a happy... ***Dragon Fate***.
***Ending #12/$endings: Dragon Lady***
(display: "Show Stats")
You slip the flame-colored pendant on. It's hot against your skin. Tolmarnar says, "Now, repeat these words..." He tells you a string of syllables in an ancient draconic tongue.
You say them, and the pendant's magic activates fully. You feel you're burning up, and rising from the floor. "Don't worry!" he calls out. Easy for him to say!
You float there for some time, seeing flames in the corners of your vision, but they warm instead of hurting you. Your flesh ripples and reshapes. Most of all, though, you sense //memories//. Not yours, but glimpses of caverns larger than anything you'd believe could really exist. Wings spreading across the stars. Battles in the darkness against nameless forces that aim to tear reality apart, to devour the souls of all life. A shelter in the sky, a crash, a titanic explosion, burning, freezing, survivors struggling to hold onto what they are and the shadow of what they once were.
You fall to the floor, gasping. "What? What was that?" Your voice rings unnaturally deep.
Tolmarnar helps you up. He's shorter than before... or rather, you've grown taller. You feel stronger. He says, "Fragments of dragons' past, and of our power. This is your inheritance now. In time you'll learn how to use it."
Your clothes have burned away and transformed, becoming brilliant scarlet and crimson. You stare down at your broad, flat chest. You're going to be a dragon's husband!
He smiles. "I suppose I'll get used to seeing you like this. Is the shrine intact after so long?"
"Then come with me."
(set: $genderbent_ftm to 1)\
[[END #11: Dragon Lord]]
Tolmarnar shuts his eyes for a long time, and his breath sends steam wafting from the bath. He seems to come to a decision. "Let me see if I recall the old magic." He raises one mighty set of claws, frightening you, but then a flash of magic bursts from him. When you can see again, the dragon is gone, and in his place is a man in tattered clothes. The human wears a red tunic, pants and cape, all with elegant scale patterns but damaged as if in battle. The bath's water, suddenly having a dragon-sized hole in it, crashes in on him and you. Both of you sputter and look even worse for wear.
He gives a tired smile and explains, "This form is one I can't maintain for very long, but it's helpful for a variety of reasons, when I must deal with humans. My appearance..." He looks himself over. "Reflects my current state. It seems I have fallen farther than I understood."
"You're still powerful."
The human Tolmarnar nods. "I am alone, 'hero'. And I suspect very few dragons remain in the world. Some of my strength comes from those who support me. It took me a long time to learn that, and others suffered for my arrogance."
[["You don't have to stay alone."|Dragon's Lover?]]
''Dragon Fate''
//by Kris Schnee//
A story of exploration, adventure and transformation.
Suitable for mature audiences.
{(if: (saved-games:) contains "Save 1")[
(link: "Load Saved Game 1")[(load-game:"Save 1")]
{(if: (saved-games:) contains "Save 2")[
(link: "Load Saved Game 1")[(load-game:"Save 2")]
{(if: (saved-games:) contains "Save 3")[
(link: "Load Saved Game 1")[(load-game:"Save 3")]
Kris Schnee is a writer of fantasy and science fiction, who also dabbles in game design. His novels are on Amazon (most recently "Thousand Tales: How We Won the Game") and his stories can be found at http://kschnee.deviantart.com/ .
"Dragon Fate" is written using the free Twine engine, available at https://twinery.org/ .
//Build: 2016.4.18: Bug fixes re: crypt and nightstone.//
[[Back|Title Screen]]
(if: "Scale Necklace" is in $treasure)[
You eye the totem warily as you walk on by, holding the scale necklaace. It glitters, but nothing happens.
Inside the cave, you find a firepit and some gnawed bones. Sheep bones, probably. Well, maybe you've solved the mystery and can head out?
[[Kobold Caves, Outside]]
[[Deeper into the cave|Kobold Cave, Blocked Passage]]
As you walk past the kobold totem, it erupts with a flash of jagged red lightning! You throw yourself to one side but it connects, ripping painfully through you!
(if: $health is 0)[The magical blast knocks you off your feet, and out of this world. Your quest has ended.]
(else:)[ [[Kobold Caves, Outside]] ]
The back of this cave has collapsed in a rockslide, blocking your passage. However, a partly obscured cave painting catches your eye. It depicts small lizard-like figures prostrating themselves before a large, winged creature. Another image shows them running away from a cave guarded by a cluster of crudely drawn skeletons. You hope this doesn't mean the undead are nearby.
(if: $treasure contains "Kobold Loot")[](else:)[You find a crude leather pouch containing some silver coins and some pretty stones that might be worth something. (set: $treasure to $treasure + (a:"Kobold Loot"))(set: $score to $score + 25)]\
(if: $flag_kobold_passage_done is 0)[\
The arrangement of broken rocks isn't completely hopeless. You might be able to move them, at the risk of ruining what's left of the kobold art.
[[Try to push the rocks aside to see what's past them|Kobold Cave, Might]]
[[Try a spell to stabilize the rock pile while you excavate it|Kobold Cave, Magic]]
[[Try moving the rocks just enough to expose more of the artwork|Kobold Cave, Lore]]
[[Kobold Cave, Entrance]]
(set: $flag_kobold_passage_done to 1)\
You shift and strain at the rocks blocking the rest of this cave, but are unable to make any progress. You lift heavy stones, leap out of the way as a few of them collapse toward you, and otherwise have a little adventure just dealing with this obstacle. The good news is that the attempt feels like a guide to the challenges that await you later, preparing you for more feats of strength. $mightplus
[[Kobold Cave, Blocked Passage]]
(set: $flag_kobold_passage_done to 1)\
You study the rocks and use the best of your magic ability to create a sort of telekinetic scaffold holding them in place. With so many stones, though, you're not able to make it work well enough to do that and clear them away at the same time. You lift heavy stones, leap out of the way as a few of them collapse toward you, activate and maintain a spell, and otherwise have a little adventure just dealing with this obstacle. The good news is that the attempt feels like a guide to the challenges that await you later, preparing you for more successful feats of magic. $magicplus
[[Kobold Cave, Blocked Passage]]
(set: $flag_kobold_passage_done to 1)\
You shift and strain at the heavy rocks blocking the rest of this cave, trying not to clear a path so much as to explore more of the artwork on the wall. You're not very successful, but you're able to make out a design showing a ferocious-looking humanoid with clawed hands battling a trio of kobolds. Then, the rocks you'd been holding aside slip, forcing you to leap out of the way to avoid being crushed. You don't feel you've learned much from the images themselves, but your attempt to study the ruin while in danger and facing challenges is an education in itself. You'll need to do more studies like this in the near future, most likely. $loreplus
[[Kobold Cave, Blocked Passage]]
You lead an expedition back into the hills, this time with a crowd of curious peasants. Many of them get cold feet and wait outside, but several of the braver souls take up their swords, spears and pitchforks to accompany you. You climb down from the wagon you've been riding(if: $genderbent_mtf is 1)[ and blush as you accept a hand from a cute village man].
The people are amazed as you show them all that you've found, and what wonders the ancients had abandoned so close to their homes. You haven't even excavated all of the tunnels and poked around in every corner. Even so, there is wealth and power to be had in this little underground kingdom.
Before long, someone finds yet more magic in the tunnels, and with your help, you begin to piece together what happened to you and how to recreate similar effects. Many of the villagers willingly transform into dragonkin to become stronger and more magically gifted. (if: $genderbent_mtf is 1)[Families change drastically as some wives become husbands and some husbands, wives with bellies full of eggs.] You settle down with a cute dragonkin guy who'd been considered the (if: $genderbent_mtf is 0)[most eligible bachelor](else:)[prettiest girl] in town. People call the two of you the dragon and the damsel.
For the town of Garrick's Boon, generations of work are ahead. The lost knowledge and magic are the people's -- your people's -- treasure to explore and rebuild. You are their hero and the one who will lead them to a prosperous new... Dragon Fate.
***Ending #6/$endings: Dragon Layers***
(display: "Show Stats")
One wall of this room has collapsed to expose it to the little upper cave. In here is, improbably, a stable. Most of the wood-gated stalls have been crushed by crumbled rock or have rotted away, but one stands oddly intact. A side room is cluttered with rotted barrels, apparently a storage room.
A portion of the roof is open to the sky. This opening is square, artificial. You would never have guessed from the hilltop below this slightly higher peak.
There was once a staircase down from here to someplace, but just a few steps down it becomes hopelessly choked with rubble. Recent rain has left a puddle on the stable floor. A trickle of water runs from there down the staircase, where it vanishes into a crack far too small for you to follow.
(if: $treasure contains "Silver Harness")[](else-if: $treasure contains "Corroded Harness")[](else:)[\
A set of iron tools has rusted together and combined with a few fallen rocks to almost, but not quite, obscure a bit of corroded silver. It would be tough to move all of the debris and liberate whatever is buried here.
(if: $might > 2)[ [[Haul the debris off of the silver object|Get harness]] ]
(if: $magic > 2)[ [[Use magic to unstick the rusty mass and retrieve the silver object|Get harness]] ]
[[Climb to surface|Overlook]]
[[Aerie, Storage]]
[[Wooden Stall]]
[[Upper Chamber]]
You stand atop the hill of the dragon's cave, under cool wind and clouds. Garrick's Boon stands out like a set of toys in the distance below. Fields and pastureland stretch to the horizon but for a barren mountain to the south.
(if:$score >0)[You take a moment to reflect on the treasures you've already found.](else:)[You look forward to the coming adventure.]
(if:$treasure contains "Menacing Key")[That menacing key from the barracks probably unlocks an equally intimidating chest or door.]
(if:$treasure contains "Flame Pendant")[That golden flame pendant has a tough, manly look to it.]
(if:$treasure contains "Frost Pendant")[That silver frost pendant has a gentle, feminine look to it.]
(if:$treasure contains "Fertility Idol")[The idol you found in the arena... well, it's unnerving. Looks like a religious item, like it belongs in a shrine.]
(if: ($treasure contains "Arrinya Spell Tablet") or ($treasure contains "Dracomancer Spell Tablet"))[Your study of the spell tablet has taught you some of the ancient dragon magic for protection from heat.]
(if: $score > 999)[You've found so much treasure that retiring now seems like a legitimate ending to your adventure.]
(display: "Show Stats")
This might be a good place to rest.
{(link:"Save (Slot 1)")[
(if:(save-game:"Save 1"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Save failed!
{(link:"Save (Slot 2)")[
(if:(save-game:"Save 2"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Save failed!
{(link:"Save (Slot 3)")[
(if:(save-game:"Save 3"))[
Game saved!
](else: )[
Save failed!
[[Climb down to the aerie|Aerie]]
The stall's floor is covered with hay, smelling freshly cut. Intact wood, unrusted iron pegs, and an ordinary rake form a strange contrast to the timeworn furnishings outside this spot.
(if: $treasure contains "Corroded Harness")[\
(set: $treasure to $treasure - (a: "Corroded Harness"))\
(set: $treasure to $treasure + (a: "Silver Harness"))\
(set: $score to $score + 50)\
The corroded harness you still hold begins glowing! You drop it and see the old, tarnished metal sweep away to reveal bright, pure silver beneath. Curious, you tap the thing with one foot.
(if: $flag_ate_dragon_chow is 1)[](else:)[You pick the restored harness back up. It should be worth more now that some magical power has restored it for you.]\
(if: $treasure contains "Silver Harness")[\
(if: $flag_ate_dragon_chow is 1)[\
The harness reacts, pulled toward your foot as though by a lodestone.
The silver cords ripple like snakes and flow up your leg! You yelp and flee from the stall, only to slam into the wooden door that has closed on its own. Your foot-claws catch on the hay, distracting you...
Your feet, when you look down, are reshaping. Claws have torn holes in your boots. The leather grows painfully tight until the seams burst, leaving you with a pair of oversized, clawed feet covered in green scales.
You try to high-tail it out of the stall before you have to take that literally. The door, though, is latched now and your fingers fumble on the little handle. The harness climbs up your body like vines, and as it passes your knees your skin itches and you can feel the scales spreading up your legs, through your pants. You've got to get out of here!
[[What?|END #15: Dragon Steed]]
(else:)[ [[Aerie]] ]
](else:)[ [[Aerie]] ]
(set: $treasure to $treasure + (a: "Corroded Harness"))(set: $score to $score + 100)\
You struggle with the debris for several minute, finally freeing the buried object. It's a corroded old harness made of silver. Even in its tarnished state, its craftsmanship is elegant: delicate yet sturdy buckles reinforced subtly with other metals, finely made cords of interlocking silver rings, and a headdress with a ring on either side where reins could be attached.
It's not made for a horse, but for something with wings and a powerful, forward-facing muzzle.
You take the harness. With proper care it's worth something even as raw metal, and it's certainly worth more to a collector.
This musty room is full of rotted-away boxes and barrels. However, there's a plain stone storage chest in one corner. You open the lid, eager for treasure, and find... fist-sized chunks of coal. No, the color is wrong, more of a rich tan swirled with black and white. One of the chunks crumbles slightly at your touch. The stuff gives off a scent like fresh bread, faintly spicy. It actually smells delicious! There's a large iron scoop in the chest. Does this count as treasure?
(if: $flag_ate_dragon_chow is 0)[ [[Food?|Dragon Chow]] ](else:)[Having already sampled the stuff, you decide not to try it again for now. Some sort of time-resisting, preserving magic is affecting both the food supply and that one stall. Odd.]
(set: $species to "Dragon")(set: $class to "Steed")\
Just as you push the latch partway open, you fall over. Metal clinks around you. Your hands land on the soft hay. When you try to stand, it feels so awkward that you crash back down onto all fours. Your legs have reshaped, pulling your thighs up weirdly and stretching your feet so far that your ankles feel like a second set of backwards knees. The silver harness flips around to your back and wraps around your shoulders, like a hug.
You yank at the cords but that only pulls them tight and helps them fasten around you. Buckles clink and pull their way into place along your chest and shoulders. You feel too big. Just then, you feel mass pouring into your torso from somewhere, turning into flesh. Muscles, scales, and a pair of cramps someplace along your back that you ache to relieve. And so, for the first time, you stretch your growing pair of wings. The emerald-scaled "arms" added to you have thick, leathery flaps between what feel like new fingers. They bang into the stall's walls. //Need to get out and stretch,// you think.
Get out, period! The stall's magic and this old harness have cursed you! Desperately, you rear up on your //hind//legs and deliver a savage clawed kick to the door, which bursts open and cracks. You pause for a moment, surprised by how much power you have. //Strong!// Pleased with yourself, you stagger over to the stone chest of food, stick your face in, and chomp down another few of those food things.
What... What are you doing? You've got to get out of here! Your arms and hands have changed into fearsomely clawed, scaly limbs. Your thumbs shift and slide along your hands as you watch, turning backwards like a bird's talons. Each of your //forefeet// can still grasp things, at least, even with your thumbs //where they belong//. No!
You shake your head and stretch your wings as well as you can in the larger space the aerie allows than //your// stall did. //Dirty. Where's that human that...// that maintains the... //keeps stuff clean?//
The silver cords slide along your neck, stretching it out farther and farther, until they buckle along your head. You catch sight of yourself in the puddle on the floor and see you look quite (if:$sex is "male")[handsome](else:)[pretty] with your green muzzle framed in elegant silver, but something is missing. You're forgetting something. //Human ought... outta... will take care of it.//
Aha! A slight new weight springs into existence along your back even as you remember. A fine silver-trimmed leather saddle sits comfortably, familiarly, just in front of your wings. //Human ride well on you.// But where'd your human go? You smell one was around here, and there's a bag of stuff like a $light, a rope and a $weapon here. //Your stuff?// Confused, you latch the bag onto your saddle so you can take it along.
You hop up through the hole in the roof to stand in the open air atop the hill, getting the sense that you've not been outside in a very, very long time. You pout; nobody's been around to polish your scales or do flying tricks with you. //Human missing. Find new rider.// That doesn't seem right. You've been enchan... ench... //got spell on you//. You need to find a good //brave smart// man to help //ride and fight!// Maybe the man-place below //home// will have someone worthy of you.
You leap into the sky to seek your new... ***Dragon Fate***.
***Ending 15/$endings: Dragon Steed***
(display: "Show Stats")
(set: $flag_ate_dragon_chow to 1)\
You poke around skeptically in the chest full of what might be food. Then you sniff the chunk of whatever-it-is in your hands. And then, you eat the whole thing before you even quite know what you're doing.
Surprised at yourself, you step back from the chest, feeling light-headed and warm. It was really good, though!
[[Aerie, Storage]]