JADECLAW: CHAO-XIAN About the Book This book is a supplement for the pen-and-paper role-playing game Jadeclaw. Jadeclaw and its sister game Ironclaw are owned by Sanguine Publications. ( http://www.sanguine.com ) It describes the fantasy kingdom of Chao-Xian. That country is a neighbor of Zhongguo, the China-like country where Jadeclaw takes place. Calabria, the Europe-like land described in Ironclaw, is another continent in that world. Chao-Xian is based very loosely on historical Korea and named for its dynasty of Choson (1392-1897). The book contains new lands, quests, races, spells, and monsters compatible with Ironclaw and Jadeclaw. Enjoy! Legal Notice This book is not an official Jadeclaw product. It was commissioned in 2003 under contract by Sanguine Publications, the makers of Ironclaw and Jadeclaw, along with several other books by other authors. Because Sanguine did not publish any of these after all, I have decided to release the material to the Ironclaw/Jadeclaw fan community for their enjoyment. Please excuse the roughness of the text, formatting, and game balance, as this product was never given final playtesting and editing. Feel free to experiment with variants on the material. I would be interested in releasing a revision of this book based on player feedback. Chuan Lin of Sanguine has graciously allowed some leeway in the use of rules and other elements from the Ironclaw/Jadeclaw setting and rules system. I make no claim of copyright, trademark, or other ownership of that material. The original text in this book is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license*, meaning that you're free to play it, quote it, &c. If you distribute a document combining my work with your own, please clearly indicate which part is which. Since I don't own Sanguine's material, which includes some templates and decorative elements used in this book, I suggest not trying to sell anything that uses that material without contacting Sanguine yourself. As with any role-playing game, references to magic and other supernatural elements are of course meant entirely as fiction. *See http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ . Please credit Kris Schnee, k[my_last_name]@xepher.net, also reachable at http://kschnee.deviantart.com/ . PayPal tips welcome too! Art Credits I've discovered that Ken Singshow has released some of the art he did for the adventure "Five-Man Mountain", which was at one point planned as a separate booklet. With his permission, I've included these pictures with the text and may incorporate them directly into the book in a revised version. He has a gallery at http://www.furaffinity.net/user/kensingshow/ . (Warning: The site in general is adult.) I claim no ownership rights in this art. HOME PAGE This material's home is on my site at http://kschnee.xepher.net/rpg/chao-xian/ . -Kris Schnee, 2010 Aug. 4